14th Street Y37 Arts45th Street Theatre / Phil Bosakowski Theatre47th Street Theatre / Puerto Rican Traveling TheatreAbingdon Theatre / Barrow Group / WorkShop Theatre29th Street Rep / Altered StagesAmerican Theatre of Actors (ATA)Ars Nova TheaterArthur Seelen TheatreAtlantic Theater / Linda Gross TheatreCAP 21Center StageCentury TheaterChelsea PlayhouseCity Center / Manhattan Theatre ClubClub El FlamingoDance Theatre Workshop / Bessie Schonberg TheatreDanny's Skylight RoomDaryl Roth Theatre / DR2 TheatreDillon'sDionysus Theater's L'il PeachDon't Tell MamaDuffy TheatreEnsemble Studio Theatre / Medicine ShowFlatiron PlayhouseGloria Maddox Theatre (T. Schreiber Studios) / Chelsea StudiosGramercy TheaterHudson Guild TheaterIbis Supper Club / Blue Angel TheatreIrish Arts CenterIrish Repertory TheatreThe Joyce TheaterJulia Miles Theater / Theatre FourLamb's TheatreLark StudioLaura Pels Theatre / Harold and Miriam Steinberg Center for TheatreLaurie Beechman TheaterLooking Glass TheatreManhattan Class Company TheaterMartin R. Kaufman Theater / Jose Quintero TheaterMason HallMint Theater / Michael Weller TheatreNada 45The Neighborhood PlayhouseNew 42nd Street TheaterNew World StagesNew York ImprovPeople's Improv TheatreProducers ClubRAW SpaceRepertorio EspanolSanford Meisner TheaterSecond Stage TheaterLaugh Factory / Show World Center / Times Square Arts CenterSignature TheatreSnapple Theater CenterSaint Luke's TheatreStardust TheatreStorm TheatreTADA Youth TheatreTheatre-Studio, Inc. / Blue Heron Arts CenterTheatre 22Theatre 54 @ ShetlerTheatre at St. Clement'sYork Theatre Company / Theater at Saint Peter's ChurchTrilogy TheaterUnion Square TheaterUpright Citizen's Brigade TheatreVineyard Theatre / Dimson TheatreWestside TheatreWhere Eagles DareWPA TheatreZipper Theatre