The Louis Armstrong Discography: Songs

(Back Home Again in) Indiana
- January 30, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1951: Louis Armstrong
- October 4, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 12, 1952: Radio Broadcast (AFN?)
- April 19, 1953: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 31, 1953: Radio Broadcast
- August 13, 1954: Hear America Swing (NBC)
- October 6, 1954: US Treasury Department "Guest Star" program #403
- December 31, 1954: CBS Radio Broadcast
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 2, 1955: America's Greatest Bands (CBS)
- October 2, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 13, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 19, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 20, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 26, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 24, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 27, 1957: Ed Sullivan Show (episode 10.19)
- July 4, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 14, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The Oscar Peterson Trio Plus One
- May 8, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 3, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 16, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1959: RTB Telecast
- September 20, 1959: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 13.1)
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 3, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 1, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 5, 1961: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 14.21)
- June 30, 1961: Louis Armstrong and the All Stars
- July 2, 1961: The Ed Sullivan Show (Episode 15.14)
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 18, 1962: Il Signore Delle 21
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
- May 15, 1962: The Satchmo Story - Vol. 2
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 23, 1962: The Ed Sullivan Show (Episode 16.13)
- January 14, 1964: Mike Douglas Show
- February 2, 1965: The Bell Telephone Hour: The American Song (NBC)
- March 1, 1965: Hello Satchmo
- June 4, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- July, 1965: Shindig (ABC)
- July 26, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- July 27, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- July 2, 1968: BBC-TV Program
12th Street Blues
2:19 Blues
A Fine Romance
A Foggy Day
A Georgia Man
A Hundred Years From Today
A Jealous Woman Like Me
A Kiss To Build A Dream On
- April 23, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 24, 1951: Louis Armstrong With Sy Oliver's Orchestra
- May 8, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 18, 1964: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 4, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- July 26, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- July 27, 1967: French Television Broadcast
A Kiss To Build a Dream On
- November 28, 1951: Bing Crosby "Chesterfield" Show
- October 4, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
A Kiss to Build a Dream On
- December 26 - 29, 1950: The Strip
- September 20, 1952: Jackie Gleason Show (CBS)
- October 12, 1952: Radio Broadcast (AFN?)
- April 19, 1953: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- December 31, 1953: Radio Broadcast
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- February 2, 1965: The Bell Telephone Hour: The American Song (NBC)
- March 28, 1968: The Tonight Show
- July 2, 1968: BBC-TV Program
A Little On The Lonely Side
A Lot Of Livin' To Do
A Man For Every Day Of The Week
A Monday Date
A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody
A Sinner Kissed An Angel
A Song Is Born
A Song Was Born
- August 6, 1947: A Song Is Born
- October 16, 1947: Louis Armstrong And His All Stars
- November 21, 1948: Toast of the Town (The Ed Sullivan Show - CBS)
- November 23, 1948: Eddie Condon Floor Show
- March, 1949: AFRS "Jubilee" Programs #337, #339, #344, #347
- October 27, 1949: RAI Broadcast
- Late April, 1951: Bing Crosby "Chesterfield" Show
A Woman Is A Sometime Thing
Accentuate The Positive
Ad Lib Blues
Adam And Eve Had The Blues
After I Say I'm Sorry
After You've Gone
- November 26, 1929: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- October 4, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 13, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 3, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October, 1958: The Five Pennies
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 1, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
After You've Gone (non-vocal)
Ain't It The Truth
- August 28, 1942: Cabin In The Sky
- December 25, 1942: Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #83 (Blue Network)
Ain't Misbehavin
- March - April 1943: AFRS Recording Sessions for Programs #16, #19, #21, #24, #25, #26, #49 and #58
- June 7, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #537 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #382
- December 8, 1959: Louis Armstrong
Ain't Misbehavin'
- July 19, 1929: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- August 23, 1929: Seger Ellis
- October 5, 1935: Shell Chateau Radio Show
- June 24, 1938: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- October 14, 1939: Camel Caravan
- May 19 - June 5, 1944: AFRS One Night Stand #240 / #253
- May, 1944: Atlantic City
- September 12, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #620 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #465
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with Edmond Hall And His Cafe Society Uptown Orchestra
- April 26, 1947: WNEW Saturday Night Swing Show
- May 17, 1947: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- December 17, 1950: The Big Show (NBC)
- December 26 - 29, 1950: The Strip
- January 26, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 3, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 15, 1964: Mike Douglas Show
Ain't Misbehavin' (alternate take)
Ain't Misbehavin' (i'm Shaving Myself For You)
Ain't That Just Like A Man
Alabamy Bound
Alexander's Ragtime Band
All Of Me
- January 27, 1932: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- January 24, 1956, Los Angeles: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
All That Meat And No Potatoes
All The Things You Are
All of Me
- September 7, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
All the Things You Are
Alligator Crawl
Alligator Hop
Alligator Story
Almost Persuaded
Alone At Last
Among My Souvenirs
And The Angels Sing
Angel Child
Angela Mia
Another Op'nin', Another Show
Anybody Here Want To Try My Cabbage?
Anything Can Happen at the Hollywood Bowl Medley (Back O' Town Blues)
April In Paris
April In Portugal
Arkansas Blues
As Long As You Live (You'll Be Dead If You Die)
At The Jazz Band Ball
Atlanta Blues (make Me One Pallet On Your Floor)
Atlanta Blues (make Me One Pallet On Your Floor) (partial alternate take)
Auld Lang Syne
Aunt Hagar's Blues
Autumn In New York
Autumn Leaves
- October 3, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 16, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 24-25, 1960, Webster Hall, New York City: Louis Armstrong and the Dukes of Dixieland
- July, 1965: Shindig (ABC)
- July 27, 1967: French Television Broadcast
Avalon (alternate)
Azalea (take 8-10)
Baby Don't You Cry
- March - April 1943: AFRS Recording Sessions for Programs #16, #19, #21, #24, #25, #26, #49 and #58
- May 19 - June 5, 1944: AFRS One Night Stand #240 / #253
- August 9, 1944: Louis Armstrong and His Orchestra
Baby Won't You Please Come Home
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 6-18, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 24, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- January 18, 1950: Bing Crosby Show
- December 30, 1951: Bing Crosby "Chesterfield" Show
- December 7, 1951: Louis Armstrong and the All-Stars
Baby Won't You Please Come Home?
Baby, I Can't Use You No More
Baby, It's Cold Outside
- January 30, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 7, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 8, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Baby, Won't You Please Come Home
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 26-27, 1950: Louis Armstrong And The All Stars
Baby, Your Sleep Is Showing
Back O' Town Blues
- January 18, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #416 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #261
- January 17, 1945: ABC Broadcast / AFRS One Night Stand #489
- October 31, 1945: MBS Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #915 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #762
- April 27, 1946: Louis Armstrong and His Orchestra
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with His Orchestra
- April 26, 1947: WNEW Saturday Night Swing Show
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1949: AFRS "Jubilee" Programs #337, #339, #344, #347
- September 10, 1949: Eddie Condon Floor Show (NBC)
- October 18, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- January 26, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 30, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 7, 1951: Louis Armstrong and the All-Stars
- October 8, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 10-16, 1954: CBS Radio Broadcast
- September 5, 1954: You Are There: The Emergence of Jazz (November 20, 1917)
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 28, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- February 25, 1959: Auf Wiedersehen
- August 3, 1959: Louis Armstrong And The Dukes Of Dixieland
- June 3, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 18, 1962: Il Signore Delle 21
- November, 1965: A Man Called Adam
Back O' Town Blues (alternate)
Back O'Town Blues
Ballad Of Davy Crockett, The
Ballin' the Jack
Bare Necessities, The
- February 27, 1968: Louis Armstrong
- April 10, 1968: 40th Annual Academy Awards
- April 22, 1968: The Tonight Show
- July 2, 1968: BBC-TV Program
Barrelhouse Bessie From Basin Street
Basin Street Blues
- December 4, 1928: Louis Armstrong and His Orchestra
- January 27, 1933: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- November 17, 1941: WBBM Broadcast
- April 1, 1942: MBS Broadcast
- January 16, 1944: NBC Chamber Music Society Of Lower Basin Street
- January 18, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #416 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #261
- January 17, 1945: ABC Broadcast / AFRS One Night Stand #489
- September 5 - October 8, 1946: New Orleans
- April 26, 1947: WNEW Saturday Night Swing Show
- April 26, 1947: This Is Jazz (WOR radio)
- June 19, 1947: NBC Radio Broadcast Transcription
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 29, 1948: AFRS "Just Jazz" programs #28 and #36
- December 11, 1948: ABC Broadcast
- October 18, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- May 13, 1950: Ken Murray Show (CBS)
- December 26 - 29, 1950: The Strip
- June 17, 1951: Garroway At Large
- December 7, 1951: Louis Armstrong and the All-Stars
- June 28, 1952: Colgate Comedy Hour (NBC - episode 2.12)
- September 29, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 4, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 25, 1952: RAI Radio Broadcast
- early June, 1953: The Glenn Miller Story
- March 19, 1954: Louis Armstrong With The All Stars
- October 6, 1954: US Treasury Department "Guest Star" program #403
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- February 20, 1955: Colgate Comedy Hour (NBC - episode 5.18)
- May 14, 1955: NBC Broadcast
- October 2, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 15, 1956: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 9.43)
- October 8, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 16, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 21 - 22, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1959: RTB Telecast
- September 29, 1959: The Bing Crosby Oldsmobile Show
- September, 1961: WRCV Broadcast
- May 15, 1962: The Satchmo Story - Vol. 2
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1963: Australian TV Broadcast
- January 16, 1964: Mike Douglas Show
- February 2, 1965: The Bell Telephone Hour: The American Song (NBC)
- May 29, 1970: Mike Douglas Show
Bassin' The Blues
Battle Royal
Be My Life's Companion
Beale Street Blues
Beat Generation, The
Beau Koo Jack
Beautiful American, The
Beautiful Dreamer
Because Of You
Because of You
Before Long
Bess, Oh Where's My Bess?
- August 18-19, 1957: Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald with Russell Garcia and Orchestra
- October 14, 1957: Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald with Russell Garcia and Orchestra
Bess, You Is My Woman Now
Bessie Couldn't Help It
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea (outtake)
Big Butter And Egg Man
- November 16, 1926: Louis Armstrong and His Hot Five
- May 17, 1947: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- February 6, 1951: Louis Armstrong With Gordon Jenkins' Orchestra
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 30-October 2, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Big Butter And Egg Man (alternate)
Big Butter and Egg Man
- July 5, 1951: Voice of America "Jazz" Series
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- August 20, 1954: NBC Broadcast
- August 27, 1954: NBC Broadcast
- December 31, 1954: CBS Radio Broadcast
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Big Daddy Blues
Big Fat Ma And Skinny Pa
Big Mama's Back In Town
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 8, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Big Mama's Back In Town
Big Mama's Back In Town (second take)
Big Mama’s Back In Town
Bill Bailey
- August 3, 1959: Louis Armstrong And The Dukes Of Dixieland
- November, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 5, 1961: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 14.21)
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 26, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- July 27, 1967: French Television Broadcast
Bill Bailey (alternate)
Bill Bailey Won't You Please Come Home
Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home
Birth of the Blues
- September 19, 1954: Colgate Comedy Hour (episode 5.1)
- February 20, 1955: Colgate Comedy Hour (NBC - episode 5.18)
- October 13, 1957: The Ford Edsel Show
Black And Blue
Black And Blue, (What Did I Do To Be So)
Black And Tan Fantasy
Black And Tan Fantasy (take 3-6)
Black Cloud
Black and Blue
Black and Blue / Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans?
Black and Blue, (What Did I Do To Be So)
- July 22, 1929: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with Edmond Hall And His Cafe Society Uptown Orchestra
- April 26, 1947: WNEW Saturday Night Swing Show
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 6-18, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 29, 1948: AFRS "Just Jazz" programs #28 and #36
- October 18, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- October 24, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- April 26, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 22, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
Black and Blue, (What Did I Do To Be So) (edited alternate take)
Blame It On Me
Blow Gabriel, Blow
Bluberry Hill
Blue Again
Blue Moon
- May 14, 1955: NBC Broadcast
- July 4, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 7, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Blue Skies
- September, 1945: AFRS "Jubilee" Program #146
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1949: AFRS "Jubilee" Programs #337, #339, #344, #347
Blue Turning Grey Over You
Blue Turning Grey Over You (alternate take)
Blue Turning Grey Over You (edited alternate take)
Blue Yodel No. 9 (standin' On The Corner)
Blue Yodel Number 9
Blueberry Hill
- April 26, 1947: WNEW Saturday Night Swing Show
- September 6, 1949: Louis Armstrong With Gordon Jenkins' Orchestra
- January 18, 1950: Bing Crosby Show
- December 14, 1950: Bing Crosby "Chesterfield" Show
- December 7, 1951: Louis Armstrong and the All-Stars
- February 2, 1952: Louis Armstrong and the All-Stars
- Early 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 11, 1956: Ed Sullivan Show (episode 10.8)
- December 30, 1957: Timex All-Star Show #1
- October 3, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 1, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 19, 1961: Swinging at the Summit
- March 5, 1961: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 14.21)
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
- May 15, 1962: The Satchmo Story - Vol. 2
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 23, 1962: The Ed Sullivan Show (Episode 16.13)
- January 1, 1963: All Star Parade of Bands (NBC)
- March, 1963: Australian TV Broadcast
- January 14, 1964: Mike Douglas Show
- April 18, 1964: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- February 2, 1965: The Bell Telephone Hour: The American Song (NBC)
- March 1, 1965: Hello Satchmo
- March 22, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- April 11, 1965: The Hollywood Palace (Episode #2.30 and #3.2)
- July, 1965: Shindig (ABC)
- September, 1966: Danny Kaye Show
- July 26, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- July 27, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- August 3, 1967: The Tonight Show
- July 2, 1968: BBC-TV Program
- February 11, 1970: David Frost Show
- May 29, 1970: Mike Douglas Show
- July 3, 1970:
- July 4 - 9, 1970: Anatomy of a Performance
- October 29, 1970: The Boy From New Orleans -- A Tribute to Louis Armstrong
- January 23, 1971: The Pearl Bailey Show (ABC)
- March 1, 1971: The Tonight Show (NBC)
Blueberry Hill
- January 20, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 7, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Blues Are Brewin'
Blues Are Brewin', The
Blues For Bass
Blues For The Second Line
Blues For Yesterday
Blues In The Night
- April 22, 1942: MBS Broadcast
- October 14, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The Oscar Peterson Trio Plus One
Blues In The Night (false Start)
Blues In The South
Blues Stampede
Blues in B flat
Blues in the Closet
Blues in the Night
- March - April 1943: AFRS Recording Sessions for Programs #16, #19, #21, #24, #25, #26, #49 and #58
- May 19 - June 5, 1944: AFRS One Night Stand #240 / #253
Blues à la Hey Bob-A-Rebob
Blues, The
Body And Soul
- October 9, 1930: Louis Armstrong And His New Sebastian Cotton Club Orchestra
- January 30, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 11, 1956: Louis Armstrong
- August 14 - 16, 1957: Louis Armstrong with Russell Garcia and Orchestra
Body And Soul (mono Master)
Body and Soul
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 29, 1948: AFRS "Just Jazz" programs #28 and #36
- March, 1949: AFRS "Jubilee" Programs #337, #339, #344, #347
- October 18, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- October 24, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- November, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Boogie Woogie on St. Louis Blues
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 6-18, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 29, 1948: AFRS "Just Jazz" programs #28 and #36
- March, 1949: AFRS "Jubilee" Programs #337, #339, #344, #347
- October 27-31, 1949: La Botta E Riposta
Bourbon Street Parade
Bourbon Street Parade (alternate)
Bout Time
Boy From New Orleans
Brahms' Lullaby
Bridwell Blues, The
Broken Busted Blues
Bucket's Got A Hole In It
- May 24, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 3, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 21 - 22, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Bucket's Got A Hole In It, The
Buddy Bolden's Blues
Buddy's Habit
Bugle Blues
Bugle Blues / Ole Miss
Bugle Call Rag
Bugle Call Rag / Ole Miss
Buzz Me Baby
Bye 'n Bye
Bye And Bye
- January 23, 1925: Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra
- December 18, 1939: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- April 13, 1954: Louis Armstrong With The All Stars
- August 3, 1959: Louis Armstrong And The Dukes Of Dixieland
Bye Bye Blues
C'Est Si Bon
C'est Si Bon
- June 26, 1950: Louis Armstrong With Sy Oliver's Orchestra
- October 10, 1950: Ted Steele's Cavalcade of Bands (episode 2.6) (Dumont)
- April 19, 1953: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 31, 1953: Radio Broadcast
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 7, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 19, 1961: Swinging at the Summit
- April 2, 1962: Goodyear Jazz Concert
- April 18, 1962: Il Signore Delle 21
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1966: Danny Kaye Show
C-Jam Blues
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 6-18, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1949: AFRS "Jubilee" Programs #337, #339, #344, #347
- January 26, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- July 1, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 4, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- August 25, 1966: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 11, 1966: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 20.1)
- July 25, 1967: Louis Armstrong and the All Stars
- July 27, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- August 3, 1967: The Tonight Show
- August 16, 1967: Louis Armstrong and the All Stars
- December 30, 1967: The Jackie Gleason Show (episode 2.16)
- March 28, 1968: The Tonight Show
- June 9, 1970: David Frost Show
Cain And Abel
Cake Walking Babies From Home
- December 22, 1924: The Red Onion Jazz Babies
- January 8, 1925: Eva Taylor with Clarence Williams' Blue Five
Camp Meeting Blues
Can Anyone Explain
- September 29, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 4, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 12, 1952: Radio Broadcast (AFN?)
Can Anyone Explain?
Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 15, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Can't Help Lovin' That Man
Can't Help Loving that Man
Can't We Be Friends
Canal Street Blues
- April 5, 1923: King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band
- January 25, 1957: Louis Armstrong
- May 15, 1962: The Satchmo Story - Vol. 1
- August 25, 1966: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Careless Love Blues
Carolina Stomp
Carry Me Back To Old Virginny
Cash For Your Trash (Get Some)
Cash For Your Trash, (Get Some)
Cast Away
Ces't Si Bon
Changeable Daddy Of Mine
Chantez Les Bas (sing 'em Low)
Chantez Les Bas (sing 'em Low) (alternate unspliced take)
Chattanooga Stomp
Cheek To Cheek
- April, 1966: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1966: The Hollywood Palace (Episode #4.26)
Chesterfield Jingle
Chicago Breakdown
Chim Chim Cher-ee
Chime Blues
Chimes Blues
Chimes Blues (alternate)
China Boy
Chinatown, My Chinatown
- November 3, 1931: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- October 28, 1933: Louis Armstrong and His Hot Harlem Band
Christmas In New Orleans
Christmas Night In Harlem
Christopher Columbus
- January 21 - 22, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Circle Of Your Arms, The
Clarinet Marmalade
- December 19, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Coal Cart Blues
- October 8, 1925: Eva Taylor with Clarence Williams' Blue Five
- May 27, 1940: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
Cocktails For Two
Cold Cold Heart
Cold In Hand Blues
Come Along Down
Come Back, Sweet Papa
Come On Coot Do That Thing
Congratulations To Someone
Cool Yule
- April 4, 1942: MBS Broadcast
- April 17, 1942: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- March - April 1943: AFRS Recording Sessions for Programs #16, #19, #21, #24, #25, #26, #49 and #58
- Early 1943: AFRS "Downbeat" Programs #16 and #30
- October 4, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 12, 1952: Radio Broadcast (AFN?)
- October 25, 1952: RAI Radio Broadcast
Cornet Chop Suey
- February 26, 1926: Louis Armstrong And His Hot Five
- May 17, 1947: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- January 23, 1957: Louis Armstrong
- August 3, 1959: Louis Armstrong And The Dukes Of Dixieland
Cornet Chop Suey (alternate)
Cotton Tail
Countin' The Blues
Court House Blues
Courthouse Blues
Crazy Arms
Creator Has A Master Plan, The
Crystal Chandeliers
- August 3, 1970: Louis "Country Western" Armstrong
- October 10, 1970: The Johnny Cash Show - History of Country Music: Part 2
Cuban Pete
Cultural Exchange
Cut Off My Legs And Call Me Shorty
Dallas Blues (non-vocal)
Dallas Blues (vocal)
Dance With The Dolly
- January 20, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 24, 1956, Los Angeles: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 26, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 28-29, 1960: Bing Crosby and Louis Armstrong
- April 11, 1965: The Hollywood Palace (Episode #2.30 and #3.2)
Darling Nelly Gray
- April 9, 1940: Radio Broadcast
- December 25, 1942: Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #83 (Blue Network)
Day Dream
Day the Rains Came, The
Dead Drunk Blues
Dear Old Southland
- April 5, 1930: Louis Armstrong
- March - April 1943: AFRS Recording Sessions for Programs #16, #19, #21, #24, #25, #26, #49 and #58
- January 17, 1945: ABC Broadcast / AFRS One Night Stand #489
- May 17, 1947: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- June 19, 1947: NBC Radio Broadcast Transcription
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 28, 1957: Louis Armstrong
Dear Old Southland (edited Version)
Deep Water Blues
Didn't It Rain
Didn't We
Dimi Dimi Dimi
- May 4, 1930: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- October 21, 1933: Louis Armstrong and His Harlem Hot Band
- Summer, 1936: Norge Appliances Radio Show
- April 16 1937: Fleischmann's Yeast Program
Dipper Mouth Blues
- April 6, 1923: King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band
- June 22 - 29, 1923: King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band
- August 7, 1936: Louis Armstrong With Jimmy Dorsey And His Orchestra
Dippermouth Blues
- September 5 - October 8, 1946: New Orleans
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with Edmond Hall And His Cafe Society Uptown Orchestra
- April 26, 1947: This Is Jazz (WOR radio)
- January 25, 1957: Louis Armstrong
- February 25, 1959: Auf Wiedersehen
- August 3, 1959: Louis Armstrong And The Dukes Of Dixieland
- May 15, 1962: The Satchmo Story - Vol. 1
Dippermouth Blues (alternate)
Dixie (alternate)
Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me
- August 14 - 16, 1957: Louis Armstrong with Russell Garcia and Orchestra
- April 3-4, 1961: Louis Armstrong And Duke Ellington
Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me (take 1-3)
Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans?
- September 5 - October 8, 1946: New Orleans
- October 17, 1946: Louis Armstrong And His Dixieland Seven
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with His Orchestra
- April 26, 1947: WNEW Saturday Night Swing Show
- April 26, 1947: This Is Jazz (WOR radio)
- May 17, 1947: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- June 19, 1947: NBC Radio Broadcast Transcription
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 6-18, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 11, 1949: Eddie Condon Floor Show (NBC)
- October 18, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Doctor Jazz
Doctor Jazz (alternate)
Don't Be That Way
Don't Cry Baby
Don't Fence Me In
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1949: AFRS "Jubilee" Programs #337, #339, #344, #347
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Don't Forget To Mess Around
Don't Forget You'll Regret Day By Day
Don't Get Around Much Anymore
- August 14 - 16, 1957: Louis Armstrong with Russell Garcia and Orchestra
- April 3-4, 1961: Louis Armstrong And Duke Ellington
Don't Get Around Much Anymore (take 2-5)
Don't Jive Me
Don't Play Me Cheap
Don't Sweetheart Me
Don't Take Your Love From Me
Don't Worry 'Bout Me
Down By The Riverside
Down In Honky Tonk Town
Dream A Little Dream Of Me
- August 25, 1950: Louis Armstrong With Ella Fitzgerald And Sy Oliver's Orchestra
- July 23, 1968: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Drop Me Off At Harlem
Drop Me Off At Harlem (take 2)
Drop That Sack
Drop That Sack (alternate)
Droppin' Shucks
Duke's Place
- April 3-4, 1961: Louis Armstrong And Duke Ellington
- December 17, 1961: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 15.14)
Duke's Place (take 5)
Dummy Song
Dummy Song, The
- July 16, 1953: Louis Armstrong With Jack Pleiss' Orchestra
- January 10-16, 1954: CBS Radio Broadcast
- May 8, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Dusky Stevedore
Early Every Morn
Early In The Morning
East Of The Sun
East Of The Sun (mono Master)
East of the Sun
Easy As You Go
Easy Come, Easy Go Blues
Easy Part's Over Now, The
Easy Street
Elder Eatmore's Sermon On Generosity
Elder Eatmore's Sermon On Throwing Stones
Esquire Blues
Ev'rything's Been Done Before
Everybody Loves My Baby
Everybody Loves My Baby (but My Baby Don't Love Nobody But Me)
- November 6, 1924: Clarence Williams' Blue Five
- November 6, 1924 (?): Josephine Beatty accompanied by the Red Onion Jazz Babies
- between November 22 - 25, 1924: Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra
- mid January, 1925: Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra
Everybody's Comin'
Everybody's Talkin'
Everyday I Have the Blues
Exactly Like You
- May 4, 1930: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- November 17, 1941: WBBM Broadcast
- December 8, 1943: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #380 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #225
- December 12, 1956: Louis Armstrong
- January 23, 1971: The Pearl Bailey Show (ABC)
Ezekiel Saw De Wheel
Faithful Husar, The
Faithful Hussar, The
- December 19, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 15, 1956: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 9.43)
- February 25, 1959: Auf Wiedersehen
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 23, 1962: The Ed Sullivan Show (CBS - Episode 16.13)
- March 1, 1965: Hello Satchmo
- March 22, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
Falling In Love With You
Fantastic, That's You
Farewell To Storyville
Farewell to Storyville
Fatha's Time
Fifty-Fifty Blues
Find Me At The Greasy Spoon (if You Miss Me Here)
Fine And Dandy
Fine and Dandy
- October 18, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- December 22, 1949 - January 4, 1950: U.S. Treasury Department, Guest Star #163
Five Pennies Saints, The
Flat Foot Floogie, The
Flee As A Bird To The Mountain
Flee As A Bird To The Mountain/ Didn't He Ramble
Flee as a Bird
Flee as a Bird / Oh, Didn't He Ramble
- October 8, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Flee as a Bird / When the Saints Go Marching In
Flood Blues, The
Flying Home
- January 18, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #416 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #261
- August 6, 1947: A Song Is Born
Fools Rush In
Frankie And Johnny
Frim Fram Sauce, The
Frog-i-more Rag
Froggie Moore
Funny Feathers
G'wan, I Told You
Gambler's Dream
Gee Baby Ain't I Good To You
Georgia Bo Bo
Georgia Grind
Georgia On My Mind
- November 5, 1931: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- December 12, 1956: Louis Armstrong
- June 30, 1961: Louis Armstrong and the All Stars
- July 2, 1961: The Ed Sullivan Show (Episode 15.14)
Georgia On My Mind (edited Version)
Get Together
Girl from Ipanema, The
Girl of My Dreams
Give Me Your Kisses
Give Me the Music Maker
Give Peace A Chance
Glory Alley
Go 'long, Mule
Go Down Moses
Go South, Young Man
Goin' My Way
Going Back to Storyville
Going To Shout All Over God's Heaven
Goldwyn Stomp
Gone Fishin'
- April 19, 1951: Bing Crosby "Chesterfield" Show
- Late April, 1951: Bing Crosby "Chesterfield" Show
- September 25, 1951: Texaco Star Theater - The Milton Berle Show (NBC)
- January 13, 1964: Mike Douglas Show
Good Life, The
Good Night, Angel
Good Reviews
Good Time Flat Blues
Goodnight, Sleep Tight Medley
Got A Bran' New Suit
Got No Blues
Gotta Be This or That
Grassa E Bella
- August 9, 1944: Louis Armstrong and His Orchestra
- August 18, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #599 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #444
Gully Low Blues
Gut Bucket Blues
Gypsy In My Soul, The
Gypsy, The
- October 22, 1953: Louis Armstrong With The Commanders
- August 13, 1954: Hear America Swing (NBC)
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 2, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 20, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 26, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Happy Birthday To Bing
Happy Birthday, Louis
Happy Time, The
Harlem On Parade
Harlem Stomp
- December 18, 1939: Radio Broadcast
- March 14, 1940: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- November 27, 1941: WBBM Broadcast
- April 22, 1942: MBS Broadcast
- March - April 1943: AFRS Recording Sessions for Programs #16, #19, #21, #24, #25, #26, #49 and #58
- December 8, 1943: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #380 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #225
Have You Ever Been Down
Have You Met Miss Jones?
Have Your Chill, I'll Be Here When Your Fever Rises
Hawaiian Hospitality
He Likes It Slow
He's A Son Of The South
Hear Me Talkin' To Ya
- December 12, 1928: Louis Armstrong And His Savoy Ballroom Five
- April 5, 1939: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
Heebie Jeebies
- February 26, 1926: Louis Armstrong And His Hot Five
- September 3, 1949: Eddie Condon Floor Show (NBC)
- January 24, 1957: Louis Armstrong
Heigh-ho (the Dwarfs' Marching Song)
Hello Brother
Hello Dolly
Hello, Dolly
- October 4, 1964: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 18.2)
- February 2, 1965: The Bell Telephone Hour: The American Song (NBC)
- March 1, 1965: Hello Satchmo
- March 22, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- April 11, 1965: The Hollywood Palace (Episode #2.30 and #3.2)
- July, 1965: Shindig (ABC)
- June 22, 1967: The Tonight Show
- July 26, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- July 27, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- February 20, 1968: The Bell Telephone Hour: Jazz, The Intimate Art
- April 22, 1968: The Tonight Show
- July 2, 1968: BBC-TV Program
- February 11, 1970: David Frost Show
- February 13, 1970: The Tonight Show
- May 29, 1970: Mike Douglas Show
- June 7, 1970: Dial M for Music - Louis Armstrong
- July 3, 1970:
- July 4 - 9, 1970: Anatomy of a Performance
- July, 1970: Sun City Scandals (NBC)
- October 22, 1970: The Flip Wilson Show (NBC)
- October 29, 1970: The Boy From New Orleans -- A Tribute to Louis Armstrong
- January 29, 1971:
Hello, Dolly!
Hep Cats' Ball
Here Comes the Bride
Here's My Heart For Christmas
Hesitating Blues
Hesitating Blues (rehearsal)
Hey Lawdy Mama
Hey, Look Me Over
High Society
- January 26, 1933: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- April 26, 1947: WNEW Saturday Night Swing Show
- April 26, 1947: This Is Jazz (WOR radio)
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 6-18, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 11, 1948: ABC Broadcast
- October 18, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- October 24, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- October 27, 1949: RAI Broadcast
- December 7, 1951: Louis Armstrong and the All-Stars
- September 29, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 8, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 19, 1953: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 31, 1954: CBS Radio Broadcast
- December 12, 1956: Louis Armstrong
- May 8, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 15, 1962: The Satchmo Story - Vol. 2
High Society Calypso
- January 6-18, 1956: High Society
- October 6, 1956: Ford Star Jubilee - You're the Top
- July 4, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 7, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 3, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 16, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 3, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 1, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 15, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1963: Australian TV Broadcast
- January 14, 1964: Mike Douglas Show
High Society Rag
Hines' Retreat
His Father Wore Long Hair
History of Jazz Medley
Hoagy Carmichael Medley
Hobo, You Can't Ride This Train
Home (When Shadows Fall)
Home Fire, The
Honey, Do!
Honey, Don't You Love Me Anymore
Honeysuckle Rose
- December 14, 1938: Martin Block's Swing Show
- January 16, 1944: NBC Chamber Music Society Of Lower Basin Street
- October 18, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- January 30, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 17, 1955: Ed Sullivan Show (CBS - episode 8.32)
- April 26, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- Unknown date, May, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Honeysuckle Rose (partial alternate take)
Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight
Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight (alternate)
Hotter Than That
How Come You Do Me Like You Do
- between November 17 - 22, 1924: Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra
- mid January, 1925: Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra
How Do You Do It That Way?
How High The Moon
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 30, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
How High the Moon
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 29, 1948: AFRS "Just Jazz" programs #28 and #36
- December 7, 1951: Louis Armstrong and the All-Stars
- October 12, 1952: Radio Broadcast (AFN?)
- October 25, 1952: RAI Radio Broadcast
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- March 26, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1963: Australian TV Broadcast
- March 22, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
How Long Has This Been Going On
Hucklebuck, The
- October 18, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- January 26, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 30, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Hurdy Gurdy Man
Hustlin' And Bustlin' For Baby
I Ain't Gonna Give Nobody None Of My Jelly Roll
- August 3, 1959: Louis Armstrong And The Dukes Of Dixieland
- September 30-October 2, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
I Ain't Gonna Give Nobody None Of My Jelly Roll (alternate)
I Ain't Gonna Play No Second Fiddle (if I Can't Play The Lead)
- May 27, 1925: Bessie Smith
- October 7, 1925: Perry Bradford's Jazz Phools
- November 2, 1925: Perry Bradford's Jazz Phools
I Ain't Gonna Tell Nobody
I Ain't Got Nobody
I Ain't Got Nobody (alternate)
I Ain't Got Nobody (non-vocal)
I Ain't Got Nobody (vocal)
I Believe
- March 12, 1947: Louis Armstrong and His Orchestra
- Between July 4-10, 1947: Louis Armstrong and His Orchestra
- November 1, 1967: Louis Armstrong With Dick Jacobs' Orchestra
I Can't Afford To Miss This Dream
I Can't Believe That You're In Love With Me
I Can't Give You Anything But Love
- December 11, 1928: Lillie Delk Christian with Louis Armstrong & His Hot Four
- March 5, 1929, New York City: Louis Armstrong And His Savoy Ballroom Five
- June 24, 1938: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- March - April 1943: AFRS Recording Sessions for Programs #16, #19, #21, #24, #25, #26, #49 and #58
- April 23, 1943: Jam Session
- November 7, 1943: NBC Chamber Music Society Of Lower Basin Street
- December 8, 1943: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #380 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #225
- January 18, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #416 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #261
- February 13 - 20, 1945: AFRS One Night Stand #540
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with His Orchestra
- May 17, 1947: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- August 24, 1949: Arthur Godfrey and His Friends
- September 3, 1949: Eddie Condon Floor Show (NBC)
- December 11, 1956: Louis Armstrong
- May 15, 1962: The Satchmo Story - Vol. 1
- January 17, 1964: Mike Douglas Show
I Can't Give You Anything But Love
I Can't Give You Anything But Love (alt. Take)
I Come From A Musical Family
I Couldn't Sleep A Wink Last Night
I Cover The Waterfront
- October 21, 1933: Louis Armstrong and His Harlem Hot Band
- March 10, 1941: Louis Armstrong And His Hot Seven
I Cover the Waterfront
I Cried for You
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
I Didn't Know Until You Told Me
I Double Dare You
I Feel Good
I Get A Kick Out Of You
I Get Ideas
- July 24, 1951: Louis Armstrong With Sy Oliver's Orchestra
- November 28, 1951: Bing Crosby "Chesterfield" Show
- December 7, 1951: Louis Armstrong with the Les Brown Big Band
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- October 13, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good
I Got Plenty O' Nuttin'
I Got Rhythm
- November 6, 1931: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- December 14, 1938: Martin Block's Swing Show
- January 18, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #416 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #261
- February 11, 1945: The 2nd Annual American Swing Festival - A Tribute to Fats Waller
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 24, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- July 26, 1965: Where the Boys Meet the Girls
I Gotta Right To Sing The Blues
- January 26, 1933: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- January 18, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #416 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #261
- Between July 4-10, 1947: Louis Armstrong and His Orchestra
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 11, 1948: ABC Broadcast
- December 7, 1951: Louis Armstrong and the All-Stars
- August 14 - 16, 1957: Louis Armstrong with Russell Garcia and Orchestra
I Gotta Right To Sing The Blues (takes 1-4)
I Guess I'll Get The Papers And Go Home
I Hate To Leave You Now
I Hope Gabriel Likes My Music
I Laughed At Love
I Left My Heart in San Francisco
- March, 1963: Australian TV Broadcast
- March 22, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- June 4, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- July, 1965: Shindig (ABC)
I Like This Kind Of Party
I Lost My Sugar in Salt Lake City
- August 17, 1943: Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #284 (Blue Network) / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #128
- May 19 - June 5, 1944: AFRS One Night Stand #240 / #253
I Love Jazz
I Love Jazz (no Vocal Group)
I Love Jazz (outtake)
I Love Paris
I Love That Man
I Love You Samantha
I Love the Guy
I Married An Angel
I Miss My Swiss
I Must Have That Man
I Never Knew
- April 15, 1942: MBS Broadcast
- April 17, 1942: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- August 17, 1943: Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #284 (Blue Network) / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #128
I Never Saw A Better Day
I Only Have Eyes For You
I Only Want a Buddy
I Still Get Jealous
I Surrender Dear
- April 20, 1931: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- April 1, 1942: MBS Broadcast
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 26-27, 1950: Louis Armstrong And The All Stars
- December 12, 1956: Louis Armstrong
- May 28, 1970: Mike Douglas Show
- August 25, 1970: David Frost Show
I Surrender Dear
I Used To Love You (but It's All Over Now)
I Used to Love You
I Want A Little Girl
I Was Doing All Right
I Will Be Around
I Will Wait For You
I Won't Dance
I Wonder
I Wonder Who
I Wonder, I Wonder, I Wonder
I'll Be Around
I'll Be Glad When You're Dead You Rascal You
I'll Get Mine Bye And Bye
I'll Keep The Lovelight Burning
I'll Never Be The Same
I'll See You In My Dreams
I'll String Along With You
I'll Take Her Back If She Wants To Come Back
I'll Walk Alone
I'm A Ding Dong Daddy (from Dumas)
I'm A Little Blackbird Looking For A Bluebird
I'm Beginning To See The Light
I'm Beginning To See The Light (take 1, 4-7)
I'm Coming, Virginia
I'm Confessin' (that I Love You)
- August 19, 1930: Louis Armstrong And His New Sebastian Cotton Club Orchestra
- October, 1938: Radio Performance
- April 25, 1939, New York City: Louis Armstrong
- March 24, 1940: Radio Broadcast
- March - April 1943: AFRS Recording Sessions for Programs #16, #19, #21, #24, #25, #26, #49 and #58
- October 5, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #641 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #486
- December 7, 1944: Louis Armstrong And The V-Disc All-Stars
- January 17, 1945: ABC Broadcast / AFRS One Night Stand #489
- February 13 - 20, 1945: AFRS One Night Stand #540
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with Edmond Hall And His Cafe Society Uptown Orchestra
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1949: AFRS "Jubilee" Programs #337, #339, #344, #347
- January 1, 1952: Frank Sinatra Show (CBS)
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- October 23, 1953: Life Begins at Eighty (Dumont)
- May 25, 1958: Steve Allen Show (episode 3.35)
- May 4, 1960: Dateline Boston - The Jazz Scene
- September, 1961: WRCV Broadcast
- July 25, 1962: The Lively Ones (NBC)
- May 26, 1970: Mike Douglas Show
I'm Crazy 'Bout My Baby And My Baby's Crazy 'Bout Me
I'm Crazy 'Bout My Baby And My Baby's Crazy 'Bout Me (edited alternate take)
I'm Crazy 'Bout My Baby And My Baby's Crazy 'Bout Me (partial alternate take)
I'm Goin' Huntin'
I'm Going Away To Wear You Off My Mind
I'm Gonna Gitcha
I'm Gonna Stomp, Mr. Henry Lee
I'm In The Market For You
I'm In The Mood For Love
I'm Just A Lucky So And So
I'm Just A Lucky So And So (take 1-2)
I'm Not Rough
I'm Puttin' All My Eggs In One Basket
I'm Putting All My Eggs In One Basket
I'm Shooting High
I'm a Ding Dong Daddy from Dumas
I've Got A Feeling I'm Falling
I've Got A Feeling I'm Falling (edited alternate take)
I've Got A Feeling I'm Falling (no overdub)
I've Got A Gal In Kalamazoo
I've Got A Gal in Kalamazoo
I've Got A Heart Full Of Rhythm
I've Got A Lot Of Livin' To Do
I've Got A Pocketful Of Dreams
I've Got My Fingers Crossed
- November 21, 1935: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- November 22, 1935: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm
I've Got The World On A String
- January 26, 1933: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- August 14 - 16, 1957: Louis Armstrong with Russell Garcia and Orchestra
I've Got The World On A String (takes 1-3)
I've Got a Pocketful of Dreams
I've Stopped My Man
If I Could Be With You
- March - April 1943: AFRS Recording Sessions for Programs #16, #19, #21, #24, #25, #26, #49 and #58
- December 11, 1956: Louis Armstrong
If I Could Be With You One Hour Tonight
If I Lose, Let Me Lose
If It's Good (Then I Want It)
If We Never Meet Again
If You Wanna Be My Sugar Papa (You Gotta Be Sweet To Me)
If You Want My Heart (You've Got To 'low It, Babe)
Improvisations On It's Easy To Remember
Improvisations On Teach Me Tonight
In A Mellotone
In A Mellotone (warm-up, Take 1)
In Pursuit Of Happiness
In The Gloaming
In The Mood
In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree
In a Mellotone
Indian Cradle Song
Indian Love Call
- November 28, 1951: Louis Armstrong With Gordon Jenkins' Orchestra
- June 8, 1952: The US Royal Showcase (NBC)
Intro For Cultural Exchange
Irish Black Bottom
Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby
Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby?
- August 18, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #599 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #444
- September 12, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #620 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #465
Isn't It A Lovely Day
It Ain't Me
It Ain't Necessarily So
It Don't Mean A Thing (if It Ain't Got That Swing)
It Had To Be You
It Takes Time
It's A Most Unusual Day
It's All In The Game
It's Been A Long Long Time
It's Love, Love, Love
It's Only a Paper Moon
It's Wonderful
J.C. Holmes Blues
J.T. Jive
Jack Armstrong Blues
Jack O'diamond Blues
Jack-Armstrong Blues
- December 7, 1944: V-Disc All-Star Jam Session
- May 17, 1947: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Jack-armstrong Blues
Jazz Lips
Jazz Me Blues
Jazzin' Babies Blues
- November 28, 1951: Louis Armstrong With Gordon Jenkins' Orchestra
- June 8, 1952: The US Royal Showcase (NBC)
Jeepers Creepers
- September, 1938: Going Places
- December 14, 1938: Martin Block's Swing Show
- January 18, 1939: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- May 13, 1950: Ken Murray Show (CBS)
- September 25, 1951: Texaco Star Theater - The Milton Berle Show (NBC)
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 30, 1958: Timex All-Star Show #2
- April 18, 1964: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Jelly Bean Blues
Jelly Roll Blues
Jelly Roll Blues (alternate)
- April 2, 1962: Goodyear Jazz Concert
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 18, 1962: Il Signore Delle 21
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 1, 1963: All Star Parade of Bands (NBC)
- March, 1963: Australian TV Broadcast
Jodie Man
Jonah And The Whale
- June 14, 1938: Louis Armstrong With The Decca Mixed Choir
- February 4, 1958: Louis Armstrong with Sy Oliver's Orchestra
Joseph 'N His Brudders
Junkman Blues
Just A Closer Walk With Thee
- May 24-25, 1960, Webster Hall, New York City: Louis Armstrong and the Dukes of Dixieland
- July 4 - 9, 1970: Anatomy of a Performance
- July 10, 1970: Finale
Just A Closer Walk With Thee (alternate)
Just A Gigolo
Just Gone
Just One Of Those Things
Just Squeeze Me
Just The Blues
Just Wait 'til You See My Baby Do The Charleston
Just You, Just Me
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 30, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Keep On Jumpin'
- May 19 - June 5, 1944: AFRS One Night Stand #240 / #253
- October 5, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #641 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #486
Keep The Rhythm Going
Keepin' Out Of Mischief Now
Keepin' Out Of Mischief Now (partial alternate take)
Keyhole Blues
Kickin' The Gong Around
Kid Man Blues
Kinda Love Song
- February 20, 1968: The Bell Telephone Hour: Jazz, The Intimate Art
- February 20, 1968: Louis Armstrong With Dick Jacobs' Orchestra
King For A Day
King Of The Zulus
King Porter Stomp
- February 20, 1925: Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra
- June 7, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #537 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #382
- September 5 - October 8, 1946: New Orleans
- October 29, 1948: AFRS "Just Jazz" programs #28 and #36
- November 23, 1948: Eddie Condon Floor Show
- October 10, 1950: Ted Steele's Cavalcade of Bands (episode 2.6) (Dumont)
Kiss Of Fire
Kisses in Der Nacht
Knee Drops
Knockin' A Jug
Ko Ko Mo
- January 18, 1955: Louis Armstrong With Sonny Burke's Orchestra
- March 23, 1956: The Perry Como Show (NBC)
- March 26, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 7, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 21 - 22, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1959: RTB Telecast
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 3, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 1, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Ko Ko Mo (I Love You So)
Ko Ko Mo / Mop Mop
Krooked Blues
La Cucaracha
La Vie En Rose
- June 26, 1950: Louis Armstrong With Sy Oliver's Orchestra
- October 13, 1950: Kay Kyser's Kollege of Musical Knowledge
- December 30, 1951: Bing Crosby "Chesterfield" Show
- January 26, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 7, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1959: RTB Telecast
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Last Night I Dreamed You Kissed Me
Last Time, The
Laughin' Louie
Lawd, You Made The Night Too Long
Lazy 'Sippi Steamer
Lazy Bones
- February 20, 1939: Louis Armstrong With The Casa Loma Orchestra
- February 21, 1949: Philco Radio Time
- January 18, 1950: Bing Crosby Show
- December 30, 1951: Bing Crosby "Chesterfield" Show
- September 9, 1955: Louis Armstrong With Gary Crosby And The All Stars
- September 29, 1959: The Bing Crosby Oldsmobile Show
- January 13, 1964: Mike Douglas Show
Lazy Man Blues
Lazy River
- November 3, 1931: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- April 15, 1940: Radio Broadcast
- March - April 1943: AFRS Recording Sessions for Programs #16, #19, #21, #24, #25, #26, #49 and #58
- Early 1943: AFRS "Downbeat" Programs #16 and #30
- August 17, 1943: Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #284 (Blue Network) / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #128
- April, 1944: AFRS Command Performance #120
- October 26, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #658 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #503
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with Edmond Hall And His Cafe Society Uptown Orchestra
- September 6-18, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- February 21, 1949: Philco Radio Time
- May 13, 1950: Ken Murray Show (CBS)
- February, 1951: Bing Crosby "Chesterfield" Show
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 11, 1956: Louis Armstrong
- July 4, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 30, 1957: Timex All-Star Show #1
- May 8, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 1, 1960: Bell Telephone Hour (NBC)
- June 28-29, 1960: Bing Crosby and Louis Armstrong
- January, 1962: Winter Carnival at Sun Valley (ABC)
Lazy Woman's Blues
Leap Frog
- November 16, 1941: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- November 17, 1941: WBBM Broadcast
- April 4, 1942: MBS Broadcast
- April 15, 1942: MBS Broadcast
- March - April 1943: AFRS Recording Sessions for Programs #16, #19, #21, #24, #25, #26, #49 and #58
Learnin' The Blues
Leave Mine Alone
Let That Be A Lesson To You
Let's Call The Whole Thing Off
Let's Do It (let's Fall In Love)
Let's Fall In Love
Let's Sing Like A Dixieland Band
- June 28-29, 1960: Bing Crosby and Louis Armstrong
- September, 1966: The Hollywood Palace (Episode #4.26)
Life Is So Peculiar
Life Of The Party
Life is Just A Bowl of Cherries
Limehouse Blues
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- May 24-25, 1960, Webster Hall, New York City: Louis Armstrong and the Dukes of Dixieland
Limehouse Blues (alternate)
Linger In My Arms A Little Longer, Baby
Listen To Ma
Listen To The Mockin' Bird
Little By Little
Little Girl Blue
Little Girl Blue (mono Master)
Little Joe
Little Ol' Tune
Little One
Little White Lies
Livin' High (sometimes)
London (Cafe) Blues
London (cafe) Blues
Lonesome Blues
Lonesome Hours
Lonesome Lovesick Blues
Lonesome Man Blues
Lonesome Road, The
Lonesome Weary Blues
Lonesome, All Alone And Blue
Long Gone (from The Bowling Green)
Long Gone (from The Bowling Green) (partial alternate take)
Long Gone (from The Bowling Green) (rehearsal)
Long, Long Ago
Long, Long Journey
Look What You've Done To Me
Loud Speakin' Papa
Louis Blues
Louis' Dream
- August 18, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #599 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #444
- October 26, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #658 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #503
Love Is Here To Stay
Love Me or Leave Me
- January 26, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1951: Louis Armstrong
- July 5, 1951: Voice of America "Jazz" Series
Love Walked In
Love is Just Around the Corner
Love, You Funny Thing
Loveless Love
Loveless Love (partial alternate take)
Loveless Love (rehearsal)
Lovely Weather We're Having
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 23, 1948: Eddie Condon Floor Show
- March, 1949: AFRS "Jubilee" Programs #337, #339, #344, #347
- January 26, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 5, 1951: Voice of America "Jazz" Series
Lover Come Back To Me
Lover Come Back to Me
- October 4, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 12, 1952: Radio Broadcast (AFN?)
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- August 13, 1954: Hear America Swing (NBC)
- September, 1961: WRCV Broadcast
Lover's Leap
Lover, Come Back To Me
Lover, Come Back to Me
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 15, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 22, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
Lovesick Blues
Low Land Blues
Lucy Long
Lullaby In Ragtime
Lush Life
Lyin' To Myself
Mabel's Dream
- Early September, 1923?: King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band
- October 5-15, 1923: King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band
Mack The Knife
- September 28, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 28, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 24, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 3, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 4, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- July, 1965: Shindig (ABC)
Mack the Knife
- October 13, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 23, 1956: The Perry Como Show (NBC)
- March 26, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 4, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 7, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 25, 1958: Steve Allen Show (episode 3.35)
- January 16, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1959: RTB Telecast
- September 29, 1959: The Bing Crosby Oldsmobile Show
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 4, 1960: Dateline Boston - The Jazz Scene
- July 1, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 19, 1961: Swinging at the Summit
- September, 1961: WRCV Broadcast
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 15, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
- May 15, 1962: The Satchmo Story - Vol. 2
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 23, 1962: The Ed Sullivan Show (Episode 16.13)
- January 1, 1963: All Star Parade of Bands (NBC)
- March, 1963: Australian TV Broadcast
- March 1, 1965: Hello Satchmo
- April 11, 1965: The Hollywood Palace (Episode #2.30 and #3.2)
- July 25, 1967: Louis Armstrong and the All Stars
- July 26, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- July 27, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- January 25, 1968: The Tonight Show
- July 2, 1968: BBC-TV Program
- February 13, 1970: The Tonight Show
- June 9, 1970: David Frost Show
- July 4 - 9, 1970: Anatomy of a Performance
- July 10, 1970: Finale
- October 22, 1970: The Flip Wilson Show (NBC)
- October 29, 1970: The Boy From New Orleans -- A Tribute to Louis Armstrong
- January 29, 1971:
Mahogany Hall Blues
Mahogany Hall Stomp
- March 5, 1929, New York City: Louis Armstrong And His Savoy Ballroom Five
- January 28, 1933: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- May 18, 1936: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- September 5 - October 8, 1946: New Orleans
- September 5 - October 8, 1946: New Orleans
- October 17, 1946: Louis Armstrong And His Dixieland Seven
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with Edmond Hall And His Cafe Society Uptown Orchestra
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1949: AFRS "Jubilee" Programs #337, #339, #344, #347
- May 24, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 11, 1956: Ed Sullivan Show (episode 10.8)
- December 12, 1956: Louis Armstrong
- July 4, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 7, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 30, 1957: Timex All-Star Show #1
- May 15, 1962: The Satchmo Story - Vol. 2
Mail Train Blues, The
Makin' Whoopie
- May, 1966: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 22, 1967: The Tonight Show
- July 2, 1968: BBC-TV Program
Man I Love, The
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 14, 1955: NBC Broadcast
- May 8, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Man Upstairs, The
Mandy Lee Blues
Mandy Make Up Your Mind
Mandy, Make Up Your Mind
- early December, 1924: Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra
- December 17, 1924: Eva Taylor with Clarence Williams' Blue Five
Mardi-gras March, The
- April 19, 1953: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- December 31, 1953: Radio Broadcast
- March 19, 1954: Louis Armstrong With The All Stars
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 26, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 8, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Maryland, My Maryland
Maybe It's Because
Maybe You'll Be There
Me And Brother Bill
- April 25, 1939, New York City: Louis Armstrong
- December 25, 1942: Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #83 (Blue Network)
- March - April 1943: AFRS Recording Sessions for Programs #16, #19, #21, #24, #25, #26, #49 and #58
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 28-29, 1960: Bing Crosby and Louis Armstrong
Me Neenyah (my Little One)
Me and Brother Bill
- Early 1943: AFRS "Downbeat" Programs #16 and #30
- September 12, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #620 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #465
- October 31, 1945: MBS Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #915 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #762
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1949: AFRS "Jubilee" Programs #337, #339, #344, #347
- September 10, 1949: Eddie Condon Floor Show (NBC)
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
Meanest Kind Of Blues, The
Medley I
Medley II
Medley Of Armstrong Hits (part I): I'll Be Glad When You're Dead, You Rascal You, When It's Sleepy Time Down South, Nobody's Sweetheart
Medley Of Armstrong Hits (part II): When You're Smiling, St. James Infirmary, Dinah
Medley of 12 Armstrong Hits
Medley of Most Popular Songs of 1956
Medley: Swing Bells, Blow Satchmo, Finale
Medley: Bugle Call Rag, Ole Miss
Medley: Flee As A Bird To The Mountain/Oh, Didn't He Ramble
Medley: Here Come De Honey Man, Crab Man, Oh, Dey's So Fresh And Fine (strawberry Woman)
Medley: Just a Closer Walk with Thee / Them There Eyes
Medley: Manhattan/When It's Sleepy Time Down South
Medley: Memphis Blues/Frankie And Johnny/Tiger Rag
Medley: Shadrack / When The Saints Go Marchin' In
Medley: Tenderly / You'll Never Walk Alone
Medley: Tenderly / You'll Never Walk Alone / Mop Mop (Boff Boff)
Medley: Tenderly, You'll Never Walk Alone
- September 1, 1954: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 26, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- July 27, 1967: French Television Broadcast
Medley: Tenderly/You'll Never Walk Alone
Medley: When The Blue of the Night, Moon River, Mack the Knife, Hello, Dolly, Bill Bailey
Melancholy Blues
Memories Of You
- October 16, 1930: Louis Armstrong And His New Sebastian Cotton Club Orchestra
- December 13, 1956: Louis Armstrong
Memories of You
Memphis Blues
Memphis Blues (or Mister Crump), The
Memphis Bound
Mess, Katie, Mess
Mexican Swing
Mi Va Di Cantare
Mighty River
Milenberg Joys
Miller's Cave
Mining Camp Blues
Mississippi Basin
Misto Cristofo Colombo
Moments To Remember
Money Blues
Mooche, The
Mood Indigo
- April 3-4, 1961: Louis Armstrong And Duke Ellington
- May 26, 1970: Louis Armstrong And His Friends
- August 25, 1970: David Frost Show
Moon River
Moon Song
Moonlight In Vermont
Mop Mop
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with His Orchestra
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 23, 1948: Eddie Condon Floor Show
- February 2, 1952: Louis Armstrong and the All-Stars
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 14, 1955: NBC Broadcast
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 22, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- July 26, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- July 27, 1967: French Television Broadcast
Mop Mop / Blueberry Hill
Mop Mop / Cabaret
Mop! Mop!
Mr. Five By Five
Mumbo Jumbo
Music Goes 'Round and Round, The
Music Goes Round And Round, The
Muskrat Ramble
- February 26, 1926: Louis Armstrong And His Hot Five
- January 18, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #416 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #261
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with Edmond Hall And His Cafe Society Uptown Orchestra
- April 26, 1947: WNEW Saturday Night Swing Show
- June 19, 1947: NBC Radio Broadcast Transcription
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 6-18, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 23, 1948: Eddie Condon Floor Show
- December 11, 1948: ABC Broadcast
- January 30, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 4, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 19, 1953: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- August 20, 1954: NBC Broadcast
- September 1, 1954: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- February 26, 1955: Horace Heidt Show (NBC)
- May 7, 1955: NBC Broadcast
- January 24, 1956, Los Angeles: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 15, 1956: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 9.43)
- April 30, 1958: Timex All-Star Show #2
- August 3, 1959: Louis Armstrong And The Dukes Of Dixieland
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 1, 1960: Bell Telephone Hour (NBC)
- June 28-29, 1960: Bing Crosby and Louis Armstrong
- May 15, 1962: The Satchmo Story - Vol. 1
- January 17, 1964: Mike Douglas Show
- June 4, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- November, 1965: A Man Called Adam
- September, 1966: The Hollywood Palace (Episode #4.26)
- July 26, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- July 27, 1967: French Television Broadcast
Muskrat Rumble
My Bucket's Got A Hole In It
- April 26-27, 1950: Louis Armstrong And The All Stars
- October 12, 1952: Radio Broadcast (AFN?)
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- August 3, 1959: Louis Armstrong And The Dukes Of Dixieland
- March 1, 1965: Hello Satchmo
- July, 1965: Shindig (ABC)
- September 26, 1966: The Dean Martin Show (NBC)
My Bucket's Got A Hole In It (alternate)
My Bucket's Got A Hole In It (second take)
My Bucket's Got a Hole In It
- April 19, 1953: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 31, 1953: Radio Broadcast
- January 10-16, 1954: CBS Radio Broadcast
- August 19, 1954: WNEW Broadcast
- February 20, 1955: Colgate Comedy Hour (NBC - episode 5.18)
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 1, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 30, 1961: Louis Armstrong and the All Stars
- July 2, 1961: The Ed Sullivan Show (Episode 15.14)
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 15, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 13, 1964: Mike Douglas Show
My Bucket's Got a Hole in It
- January 20, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 26, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
My Darling Nelly Gray
My Dream Man
My Heart
My Honey's Lovin' Arms
My John Blues
My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose (poem)
My Man
- June 30, 1961: Louis Armstrong and the All Stars
- July 2, 1961: The Ed Sullivan Show (Episode 15.14)
- March 22, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- June 4, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- July, 1965: Shindig (ABC)
My Melancholy Baby
My Monday Date
My One And Only Love
My Rose Marie
My Sweet
My Sweet Hunk O' Trash
My Walking Stick
Nashville Woman's Blues
Naughty Man
- November 7, 1924: Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra
- November 14, 1924: Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra
- between November 22 - 25, 1924: Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra
Nearness Of You, The
Necessary Evil
New Orleans
New Orleans (alternate)
New Orleans Function
New Orleans Function: Flee As A Bird / Didn't He Ramble
New Orleans Function: Flee As A Bird To The Mountain / Oh, Didn't He Ramble
New Orleans Stomp
- October 16, 1923: King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band
- April 22, 1927: Johnny Dodd's Black Bottom Stompers
- September 30-October 2, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
New Tiger Rag, The
Night Before Christmas, The
No (Papa, No)
No Love No Nothing
- March 25, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #474 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #319
- May 19 - June 5, 1944: AFRS One Night Stand #240 / #253
No One Else But You
No Time Is a Good Good-Bye Time
No Time Is a Good-Bye Time
No Variety Blues
Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen
- June 14, 1938: Louis Armstrong With The Decca Mixed Choir
- December 24, 1938: Paul Whiteman's Christmas Eve Concert
- August 14 - 16, 1957: Louis Armstrong with Russell Garcia and Orchestra
- February 4, 1958: Louis Armstrong with Sy Oliver's Orchestra
- August 3, 1959: Louis Armstrong And The Dukes Of Dixieland
Nobody Knows The Way I Feel This Morning
- December 22, 1924: Josephine Beatty accompanied by The Red Onion Jazz Babies
- January 7, 1925: Clara Smith
Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen
- January 27, 1957: Ed Sullivan Show (episode 10.19)
- September 29, 1957: DuPont Show of the Month: Crecendo
- December 17, 1961: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 15.14)
- April 2, 1962: Goodyear Jazz Concert
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 18, 1962: Il Signore Delle 21
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
Nobody Loves a Fat Girl
Northern Boulevard Blues
Now Do You Call That A Buddy?
Now You Has Jazz
- January 6-18, 1956: High Society
- July 15, 1956: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 9.43)
- October 6, 1956: Ford Star Jubilee - You're the Top
- July 4, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 29, 1957: DuPont Show of the Month: Crecendo
- October 13, 1957: The Ford Edsel Show
- September 7, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 3, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 7, 1959: Timex All-Star Show #4
- January 16, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 21 - 22, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1959: RTB Telecast
- September 20, 1959: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 13.1)
- September 29, 1959: The Bing Crosby Oldsmobile Show
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 3, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 1, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 5, 1961: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 14.21)
- June 30, 1961: Louis Armstrong and the All Stars
- July 2, 1961: The Ed Sullivan Show (Episode 15.14)
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 15, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1963: Australian TV Broadcast
- January 14, 1964: Mike Douglas Show
Of All The Wrong You've Done To Me
Of All The Wrongs You've Done To Me
Oh Lawd, I'm On My Way
Oh, Didn't He Ramble
- November 14, 1951: Glory Alley
- January 20, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 24, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Oh, Lady Be Good
Ohi Mari
Ol' Man Mose
Ol' Man River
Old Folks At Home (swanee River), The
Old Kentucky Home
Old Kentucky Home (alternate)
Old Man Mose
Old Man Mose (first take)
Old Man Mose (second take)
Old Man Moze
- November 21, 1935: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- November 22, 1935: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
Old Man River
Old Man Time
Old Miss
Ole Miss
- October 13, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 20, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 26, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 7, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 16, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 3, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 1, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 15, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 4, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- July, 1965: Shindig (ABC)
- November, 1965: A Man Called Adam
- February 22, 1971: Dick Cavett Show (ABC)
Ole Miss / Old Fashioned Love
Ole Miss Blues
- December 26 - 29, 1950: The Strip
- July 12, 1954: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 26, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- July 27, 1967: French Television Broadcast
On A Cocoanut Island
On A Little Bamboo Bridge
On My Way (got On My Travelin' Shoes)
On The Alamo
On The Sentimental Side
On The Sunny Side Of The Street
- October 28, 1933: Louis Armstrong and His Hot Harlem Band
- October 5, 1935: Shell Chateau Radio Show
- November 15, 1937: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- December 14, 1938: Martin Block's Swing Show
- March - April 1943: AFRS Recording Sessions for Programs #16, #19, #21, #24, #25, #26, #49 and #58
- August 17, 1943: Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #284 (Blue Network) / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #128
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 11, 1956: Louis Armstrong
On The Sunny Side Of The Street (edited Version)
On The Sunny Side Of The Street Part 1 & 2
On The Sunny Side of the Street
- Early 1943: AFRS "Downbeat" Programs #16 and #30
- February 11, 1945: The 2nd Annual American Swing Festival - A Tribute to Fats Waller
- September, 1945: AFRS "Jubilee" Program #146
- September 13, 1949: Harlem Jubilee / The Willie Bryant Show
- April 19, 1951: Bing Crosby "Chesterfield" Show
- September 25, 1951: Texaco Star Theater - The Milton Berle Show (NBC)
On Treasure Island
On the Alamo
On the Sunny Side Of The Street
On the Sunny Side Of the Street
On the Sunny Side of the Street
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 29, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 25, 1952: RAI Radio Broadcast
- July 7, 1953: Nothing But the Best (NBC)
- January 10-16, 1954: CBS Radio Broadcast
- January 27, 1957: Ed Sullivan Show (episode 10.19)
- October 13, 1957: The Ford Edsel Show
- April 30, 1958: Timex All-Star Show #2
- January 1, 1960: Bell Telephone Hour (NBC)
- May 4, 1960: Dateline Boston - The Jazz Scene
- January, 1962: Winter Carnival at Sun Valley (ABC)
- July, 1970: Sun City Scandals (NBC)
Once In A While
- December 10, 1927: Louis Armstrong and His Hot Five
- November 15, 1937: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
One I Love Belongs To Somebody Else, The
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 6-18, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
One Moment Worth Years
One O' Clock Jump
- March - April 1943: AFRS Recording Sessions for Programs #16, #19, #21, #24, #25, #26, #49 and #58
- November 10, 1958: Timex All-Star Show #3
One O'Clock Jump
One Of These Days
Onkel Satchmo's Lullabu
Only You
Oriental Strut
Ory's Creole Trombone
- March 19, 1954: Louis Armstrong With The All Stars
- October 8, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Our Monday Date
- April 25, 1939, New York City: Louis Armstrong
- May 17, 1947: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- September 10, 1949: Eddie Condon Floor Show (NBC)
Over the Rainbow
Pale Moon
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 6-18, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- February 21, 1949: Philco Radio Time
- March, 1949: AFRS "Jubilee" Programs #337, #339, #344, #347
- April 26-27, 1950: Louis Armstrong And The All Stars
Panama Rag
Panama Rag (alternate)
Papa, Mama's All Alone Blues
Peanut Vendor, The
- December 23, 1930: Louis Armstrong And His New Sebastian Cotton Club Orchestra
- March - April 1943: AFRS Recording Sessions for Programs #16, #19, #21, #24, #25, #26, #49 and #58
Pee Wee's Blues
Pennies From Heaven
- August 17, 1936: Louis Armstrong, Frances Langford and Bing Crosby
- May 17, 1947: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- May 8, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Pennies From Heaven Medley: Let's Call A Heart A Heart, So Do I, Skeleton In The Closet
Pennies from Heaven
- October 4, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 4 - 9, 1970: Anatomy of a Performance
- July 10, 1970: Trumpet Player's Tribute
People Will Say We're In Love
- September 12, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #620 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #465
- October 31, 1945: MBS Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #915 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #762
- February 2, 1952: Louis Armstrong and the All-Stars
- August 19, 1954: WNEW Broadcast
- September 2, 1954: NBC Broadcast
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 26, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 3, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 7, 1959: Timex All-Star Show #4
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 3, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1961: WRCV Broadcast
- March, 1963: Australian TV Broadcast
- June 4, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
Perdido Street Blues
Pickin' On Your Baby
Pistol Packin' Mama
- November 7, 1943: NBC Chamber Music Society Of Lower Basin Street
- December 8, 1943: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #380 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #225
Play Me Slow
Pleadin' For The Blues
Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone
Please Stop Playing Those Blues, Boys
Pledging My Love
Poor House Blues
Poor Old Joe
- June 15, 1939: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- December 18, 1939: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
Poplar Street Blues
Potato Head Blues
Pratt City Blues
Preacher, The
Pretty Little Missy
- February 20, 1955: Colgate Comedy Hour (NBC - episode 5.18)
- April 25, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 27, 1955: Producers' Showcase - Wide Wide World (NBC)
- July 2, 1955: America's Greatest Bands (CBS)
- October 2, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- February 25, 1959: Auf Wiedersehen
- June 3, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1961: WRCV Broadcast
- September 3, 1964: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 28, 1969: On Her Majesty's Secret Service
- January 13, 1970: Dick Cavett Show
- June 7, 1970: Dial M for Music - Louis Armstrong
- October 29, 1970: The Boy From New Orleans -- A Tribute to Louis Armstrong
- March 1, 1971: The Tonight Show (NBC)
Prince Of Wails
Prisoner's Song, The
Public Melody Number One
Put 'em Down Blues
Put It Where I Can Get It
Railroad Blues, The
Rain, Rain
Ramblin' Rose
- August 6, 1970: Louis "Country Western" Armstrong
- October 10, 1970: The Johnny Cash Show - History of Country Music: Part 2
Raymond St. Blues
Real Ambassadors, The
Reckless Blues
Red Cap
Red Hot Henry Brown
Red Nose
Red Sails In The Sunset
Remember Who You Are
Reminiscin' With Louis
Rhythm Saved The World
Riff Blues
Riverside Blues
- Early September, 1923?: King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band
- October 5-15, 1923: King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band
- August 3, 1959: Louis Armstrong And The Dukes Of Dixieland
Riverside Blues (alternate)
Rock My Soul (in The Bosom Of Abraham)
Rockin' Chair
- December 13, 1929: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- February 20, 1939: Louis Armstrong With The Casa Loma Orchestra
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with Edmond Hall And His Cafe Society Uptown Orchestra
- May 17, 1947: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- June 10, 1947: Louis Armstrong And His All Stars
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 23, 1948: Eddie Condon Floor Show
- February 21, 1949: Philco Radio Time
- March, 1949: AFRS "Jubilee" Programs #337, #339, #344, #347
- September 3, 1949: Eddie Condon Floor Show (NBC)
- December 14, 1950: Bing Crosby "Chesterfield" Show
- January 26, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 7, 1951: Louis Armstrong and the All-Stars
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 14, 1955: NBC Broadcast
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 7, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 30, 1957: Timex All-Star Show #1
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 13, 1964: Mike Douglas Show
- July 2, 1968: BBC-TV Program
- January 29, 1971:
Rockin' Chair
Rocky Mountain Moon
Roll 'Em
- March 25, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #474 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #319
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with His Orchestra
Room Rent Blues
Rose Room
Royal Garden Blues
- May 17, 1947: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 6-18, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 29, 1948: AFRS "Just Jazz" programs #28 and #36
- December 11, 1948: ABC Broadcast
- September 10, 1949: Eddie Condon Floor Show (NBC)
- October 18, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- October 24, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- January 18, 1950: Bing Crosby Show
- January 26, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 7, 1951: Louis Armstrong and the All-Stars
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- January 24, 1956, Los Angeles: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 24, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 21 - 22, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 23, 1962: The Ed Sullivan Show (CBS - Episode 16.13)
- March 1, 1965: Hello Satchmo
- March 22, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
Running Bear
Russian Lullaby
- October 24, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- April 26-27, 1950: Louis Armstrong And The All Stars
- March, 1951: Louis Armstrong
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
Russian Lulliby
S Wonderful
- August 19, 1954: WNEW Broadcast
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 7, 1955: NBC Broadcast
- May 8, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
S' Wonderful
- September 20, 1959: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 13.1)
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
S.O.L. Blues
Sacha's Blues
Saint James Infirmary
Saint Louis Blues
Santa Claus Blues
- November 26, 1924: The Red Onion Jazz Babies
- October 8, 1925: Eva Taylor with Clarence Williams' Blue Five
- October 16, 1925: Eva Taylor with Clarence Williams' Blue Five
Satchelmouth Swing
Saturday Night is the Lonliest Night
Save It Pretty Mama
- December 5, 1928: Louis Armstrong And His Savoy Ballroom Five
- April 5, 1939: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
Save It, Pretty Mama
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with Edmond Hall And His Cafe Society Uptown Orchestra
- May 17, 1947: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
Savoy Blues
- December 13, 1927: Louis Armstrong and His Hot Five
- April 5, 1939: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
Savoyager's Stomp
Screamin' The Blues
See See Rider
See See Rider Blues
- June 14, 1938: Louis Armstrong With The Decca Mixed Choir
- December 24, 1938: Paul Whiteman's Christmas Eve Concert
- October 14, 1939: Camel Caravan
- September 13, 1949: Harlem Jubilee / The Willie Bryant Show
- May 7, 1955: NBC Broadcast
- February 6, 1958: Louis Armstrong with Sy Oliver's Orchestra
Shadrack / When The Saints Go Marchin' In
- September 6-18, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 30, 1949: Eddie Condon Floor Show (NBC)
- December 26 - 29, 1950: The Strip
- July 5, 1951: Voice of America "Jazz" Series
Shadrack / When the Saints Go Marchin' In
Shadrack/When The Saints Go Marching In
Shanghai Shuffle
- October 10-13, 1924: Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra
- November 7, 1924: Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra
Shanty Boat On The Mississippi
She's Adorable / A Pretty Girl is Like A Melody / Sophisticated Lady
She's My Sheba, I'm Her Sheik
She's The Daughter Of A Planter From Havana
Sheik Of Araby
Sheik Of Araby (alternate)
Sheik of Araby, The
- March 9, 1931: Louis Armstrong And His New Sebastian Cotton Club Orchestra
- Early 1932: Rhapsody in Black and Blue
- April 1, 1942: MBS Broadcast
- April 20, 1942: Soundies
- March - April 1943: AFRS Recording Sessions for Programs #16, #19, #21, #24, #25, #26, #49 and #58
Shipwrecked Blues
Shoe Shine Boy
Shoeshine Boy
Short But Sweet
Shuffle, The
Since I Fell For You
Since I Fell for You
Sister Kate
Sit Down You're Rockin' The Boat
Sit Down, You're Rocking the Boat
Sittin' In The Dark
Sittin' In The Sun
Six Foot Four
Skeleton In The Closet
- July-August, 1936: Pennies From Heaven
- August 7, 1936: Louis Armstrong With Jimmy Dorsey And His Orchestra
Skeleton In The Closet, The
- Early 1937: Norge Appliances Radio Show
- April 16 1937: Fleischmann's Yeast Program
- October, 1938: Radio Performance
Skip The Gutter
Skokiaan (single)
Skokiaan Part 1
Skokiaan Part 2
Slender, Tender and Tall
- March - April 1943: AFRS Recording Sessions for Programs #16, #19, #21, #24, #25, #26, #49 and #58
- Early 1943: AFRS "Downbeat" Programs #16 and #30
Sly Mongoose
Small Fry
Snag It
Snake Rag
- April 6, 1923: King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band
- June 22 - 29, 1923: King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band
- September 30-October 2, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
So Little Time (So Much To Do)
So Long Dearie
So Long, Dearie
Sobbin' Blues
Sobbin' Hearted Blues
Solid Sam
- December 19, 1935: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- April 3-4, 1961: Louis Armstrong And Duke Ellington
Some Day
- January 30, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October, 1958: The Beat Generation
Some Of These Days
Some Of These Days (vocal)
Some Sweet Day
Some of These Days
Somebody Stole My Break
Someday Sweetheart
Someday You Will Be Sorry
Someday You'll Be Sorry
- June 10, 1947: Louis Armstrong And His All Stars
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- August 27, 1949: Eddie Condon Floor Show (NBC)
- October 27, 1949: RAI Broadcast
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- October 22, 1953: Louis Armstrong With The Commanders
- August 20, 1954: NBC Broadcast
- December 19, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 20, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- August 3, 1959: Louis Armstrong And The Dukes Of Dixieland
- April 2, 1962: Goodyear Jazz Concert
- April 18, 1962: Il Signore Delle 21
- January 15, 1964: Mike Douglas Show
- September 26, 1966: The Dean Martin Show (NBC)
- January 13, 1970: Today Show (NBC)
- January 13, 1970: Dick Cavett Show
- April 3, 1970: The Tonight Show
- June 7, 1970: Dial M for Music - Louis Armstrong
- July 29, 1970: Dick Cavett Show (ABC)
Someday You'll Be Sorry (alternate)
Someday, Sweetheart
Something Tells Me
Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child
Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child
Song Is Ended, The
Song Of The Islands
- January 24, 1930: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- November 27, 1941: WBBM Broadcast
- December 13, 1956: Louis Armstrong
Song Of The Vipers
Song is Ended, The
South (alternate)
South Rampart Street Parade
- November 14, 1951: Glory Alley
- August 21, 1954: Stage Show (CBS-TV)
- November 10, 1958: Timex All-Star Show #3
- April 11, 1965: The Hollywood Palace (Episode #2.30 and #3.2)
Southern Stomps, The
Speak Now Or Hereafter Hold Your Peace
Special Delivery Blues
Squeeze Me
- October 26, 1925: Eva Taylor with Clarence Williams' Blue Five
- June 29, 1928: Louis Armstrong and His Hot Five
- May 3, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Squeeze Me (no overdub)
St. James Infirmary
- Between July 4-10, 1947: Louis Armstrong and His Orchestra
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 11, 1949: Eddie Condon Floor Show (NBC)
- September 30-October 2, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 25, 1967: Louis Armstrong and the All Stars
- July 26, 1967: French Television Broadcast
St. James Infirmary (alternate)
St. James' Infirmary
St. Louis Blues
- January 14, 1925: Bessie Smith
- April 26, 1933, Chicago: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- November 7, 1934: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- Early 1937: Norge Appliances Radio Show
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with Edmond Hall And His Cafe Society Uptown Orchestra
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 12, 1952: Radio Broadcast (AFN?)
- October 25, 1952: RAI Radio Broadcast
- July 13, 1954:
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 2, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 7, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 30, 1958: Timex All-Star Show #2
- October 3, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 16, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1959: RTB Telecast
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 3, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 1, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 14, 1964: Mike Douglas Show
- May 26, 1970: Mike Douglas Show
St. Louis Blues (concerto grosso)
St. Louis Blues (non-vocal)
St. Louis Blues (partial alternate take)
St. Louis Blues (vocal)
St. Peter Blues
Star Dust
Star Spangled Banner
Star Spangled Banner, The
Star-Spangled Banner
- November 4, 1931: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- August, 1945: AFRS Magic Carpet program #101
- January 26, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Stars Fell On Alabama
Stars Fell on Alabama
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Static Strut
Steak Face
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 24, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- December 26 - 29, 1950: The Strip
- December 7, 1951: Louis Armstrong and the All-Stars
Stealin' Apples
Step Down Brother, Next Case
Stomp Off, Let's Go
Stompin' At The Savoy
- January 18, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #416 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #261
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with His Orchestra
- September 3, 1949: Eddie Condon Floor Show (NBC)
- October 10, 1950: Ted Steele's Cavalcade of Bands (episode 2.6) (Dumont)
- October 4, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 15, 1956: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 9.43)
- July 23, 1957: Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong
- May 8, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 3, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1959: RTB Telecast
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 4, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- July 27, 1967: French Television Broadcast
Stompin' At the Savoy
- October 8, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 31, 1953: Radio Broadcast
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 1, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Stompin' at the Savoy
- January 26, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 4, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 22, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- July 26, 1967: French Television Broadcast
Stomping At The Savoy
Stompin’ At The Savoy
Stormy Weather
Stormy Weather (takes 1-5)
Struttin' With Some Barbecue
- December 9, 1927: Louis Armstrong and His Hot Five
- January 12, 1938: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- April 15, 1940: Radio Broadcast
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with Edmond Hall And His Cafe Society Uptown Orchestra
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 6-18, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 11, 1949: Eddie Condon Floor Show (NBC)
- October 18, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- October 27-31, 1949: La Botta E Riposta
- October 26 or 28, 1952: Saluti E Baci / La Route Du Bonheur
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- January 10-16, 1954: CBS Radio Broadcast
- March 19, 1954: Louis Armstrong With The All Stars
- August 27, 1954: NBC Broadcast
- January 18, 1955: Louis Armstrong With Sonny Burke's Orchestra
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 14, 1955: NBC Broadcast
- May 15, 1955: Ed Sullivan Show (CBS - episode 8.36)
- July 2, 1955: America's Greatest Bands (CBS)
- October 2, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 27, 1957: Ed Sullivan Show (episode 10.19)
- May 8, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 21 - 22, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- August 3, 1959: Louis Armstrong And The Dukes Of Dixieland
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1961: WRCV Broadcast
- January, 1962: Winter Carnival at Sun Valley (ABC)
- April 2, 1962: Goodyear Jazz Concert
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
- May 15, 1962: The Satchmo Story - Vol. 1
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 1, 1963: All Star Parade of Bands (NBC)
- January 13, 1964: Mike Douglas Show
- March 1, 1965: Hello Satchmo
- March 22, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- July, 1965: Shindig (ABC)
Struttin' With Some Barbeque
- September 6, 1946: Louis Armstrong And His Hot Seven
- June 28-29, 1960: Bing Crosby and Louis Armstrong
Sugar Foot Strut
Sugarfoot Stomp
Summer Song
Sun Showers
Sunrise, Sunset
Sunset Cafe Stomp
Sunshine Baby
Sunshine of Love, The
Swanee Butterfly
Swanee River
Sweet Adeline
Sweet As A Song
Sweet Baby Doll
Sweet Georgia Brown
- October 2, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 4, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 7, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 24-25, 1960, Webster Hall, New York City: Louis Armstrong and the Dukes of Dixieland
Sweet Georgia Brown (alternate)
Sweet Little Papa
Sweet Lorraine
Sweet Lovin' Man
Sweet Savannah Sue
Sweet Sue, Just You
Sweethearts On Parade
- December 12, 1928: Lillie Delk Christian with Louis Armstrong & His Hot Four
- December 23, 1930: Louis Armstrong And His New Sebastian Cotton Club Orchestra
- May 1, 1940: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- May 17, 1947: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- June 11, 1949: Eddie Condon Floor Show (NBC)
- August 3, 1959: Louis Armstrong And The Dukes Of Dixieland
Sweethearts On Parade (alternate)
Swet Georgia Brown
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
Swing That Music
- May 18, 1936: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- August 7, 1936: Louis Armstrong With Jimmy Dorsey And His Orchestra
- Summer, 1936: Norge Appliances Radio Show
- Mid 1937: Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour Show
- June 25, 1938: Saturday Night Swing Club
- October, 1938: Radio Performance
- November 27, 1941: WBBM Broadcast
- September 3, 1949: Eddie Condon Floor Show (NBC)
- September 13, 1949: Harlem Jubilee / The Willie Bryant Show
Swing You Cats
Swingin' On A Star
Swingin' On Nothing
Swinging at the Summit
Symphonic Raps
Tain't What You Do (It's The Way That Cha Do It)
Taint What You Do
Takes Two To Tango
Talk To The Animals
Tea For Two
Tea for Two
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 26, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- December 31, 1953: Radio Broadcast
- August 27, 1954: NBC Broadcast
- September 2, 1954: NBC Broadcast
Tell Me Dreamy Eyes
Ten Feet Off The Ground
Tenderly / You're Just in Love
Terrible Blues
Texas Moaner Blues
- October 17, 1924: Clarence Williams' Blue Five
- November 8, 1924 (?): Josephine Beatty accompanied by the Red Onion Jazz Babies
Thanks A Million
That Lucky Old Sun
That Old Feeling
That Rhythm Man
That Sweet Something, Dear
That's A Plenty
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 18, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- October 27, 1949: RAI Broadcast
- December 22, 1949 - January 4, 1950: U.S. Treasury Department, Guest Star #163
- December 26 - 29, 1950: The Strip
- January 30, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 24-25, 1960, Webster Hall, New York City: Louis Armstrong and the Dukes of Dixieland
That's A Plenty (alternate)
That's For Me
That's My Desire
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 29, 1948: AFRS "Just Jazz" programs #28 and #36
- August 24, 1949: Arthur Godfrey and His Friends
- October 24, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- October 27-31, 1949: La Botta E Riposta
- October 10, 1950: Ted Steele's Cavalcade of Bands (episode 2.6) (Dumont)
- Date Unknown: Louis Armstrong
- October 25, 1952: RAI Radio Broadcast
- April 19, 1953: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 31, 1953: Radio Broadcast
- June 27, 1955: Producers' Showcase - Wide Wide World (NBC)
- January 20, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 26, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 3, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 4, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- July 27, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- November 1, 1967: Louis Armstrong With Dick Jacobs' Orchestra
- July 2, 1968: BBC-TV Program
That's My Desire
That's My Home
- December 8, 1932: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- December 13, 1956: Louis Armstrong
- March 5, 1961: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 14.21)
- June 30, 1961: Louis Armstrong and the All Stars
- July 2, 1961: The Ed Sullivan Show (Episode 15.14)
That's What The Man Said
That's What the Good Book Says
That's When I'll Come Back To You
That's a Plenty
Them There Eyes
- April 29, 1931: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- June 11, 1949: Eddie Condon Floor Show (NBC)
- December 13, 1956: Louis Armstrong
- September 29, 1959: The Bing Crosby Oldsmobile Show
There Must Be A Way
There'll Be Some Changes Made
There's A Boat Dat's Leavin' Soon For New York
There's A Cabin In The Pines
There's No You
These Foolish Things
They All Laughed
They Can't Take That Away From Me
They Pass By
They Say I Look Like God
Thing, The
This Black Cat Has Nine Lives
- May 29, 1970, New York City: Louis Armstrong And His Friends
- February 22, 1971: Dick Cavett Show (ABC)
This Could Be the Start of Something Big
This Train
This Younger Generation
Three Little Bears
Three Of Us, The
Throw It Out Of Your Mind
Thunderstorm Blues
Tiger Rag
- May 4, 1930: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- October 21, 1933: Louis Armstrong and His Harlem Hot Band
- November 7, 1934: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- December 14, 1938: Martin Block's Swing Show
- September 5 - October 8, 1946: New Orleans
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with Edmond Hall And His Cafe Society Uptown Orchestra
- May 17, 1947: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- June 19, 1947: NBC Radio Broadcast Transcription
- December 19, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 3, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 7, 1959: Timex All-Star Show #4
- January 16, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 21 - 22, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1959: RTB Telecast
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 3, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 1, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 5, 1961: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 14.21)
- June 30, 1961: Louis Armstrong and the All Stars
- July 2, 1961: The Ed Sullivan Show (Episode 15.14)
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 15, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
- May 15, 1962: The Satchmo Story - Vol. 1
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 1, 1965: Hello Satchmo
- March 22, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- June 4, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- July, 1965: Shindig (ABC)
- July 26, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- July 27, 1967: French Television Broadcast
Tight Like This
Time after Time
Tin Roof Blues
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- February 2, 1952: Louis Armstrong and the All-Stars
- October 4, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 12, 1952: Radio Broadcast (AFN?)
- April 19, 1953: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- January 10-16, 1954: CBS Radio Broadcast
- August 19, 1954: WNEW Broadcast
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 25, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 2, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 20, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 24, 1956, Los Angeles: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 26, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 8, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
- May 15, 1962: The Satchmo Story - Vol. 2
- May, 1966: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
To Be In Love
To You, Sweetheart, Aloha
Tomorrow Night (after Tonight)
Too Busy
Top Hat, White Tie And Tails
Trouble Everywhere I Roam
Trouble In Mind
True Confession
Trumpet Break
Trumpet Player's Lament
Trumpet Player's Lament (outtake)
Twelfth Street Rag
- May 11, 1927: Louis Armstrong and His Hot Seven
- June 25, 1938: Saturday Night Swing Club
- October 24, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- April 26-27, 1950: Louis Armstrong And The All Stars
- October 10, 1950: Ted Steele's Cavalcade of Bands (episode 2.6) (Dumont)
- January 10-16, 1954: CBS Radio Broadcast
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 24, 1956, Los Angeles: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Two Deuces
Tyree's Blues
Umbrella Man
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- January 20, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 24, 1956, Los Angeles: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 6, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 3, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 1, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 15, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Under A Blanket Of Blue
Unknown Title
Velma's Blues
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 29, 1948: AFRS "Just Jazz" programs #28 and #36
- July 30, 1949: Eddie Condon Floor Show (NBC)
- October 18, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- September 29, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 25, 1952: RAI Radio Broadcast
- December 31, 1953: Radio Broadcast
- August 19, 1954: WNEW Broadcast
Velma's Blues (Big Daddy Blues?)
Vesti La Giubba
- June 4, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- July 26, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- July 27, 1967: French Television Broadcast
Wabash Blues
Walkin' My Baby Back Home
Was It A Dream?
Washington And Lee Swing
Washwoman Blues
Way Dow Yonder in New Orleans
Way Down Yonder Down In New Orleans
Way Down Yonder In New Orleans
- January 26, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- Early 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 28-29, 1960: Bing Crosby and Louis Armstrong
- April 18, 1962: Il Signore Delle 21
- April 11, 1965: The Hollywood Palace (Episode #2.30 and #3.2)
Way Down Yonder in New Orleans
- April 26, 1947: This Is Jazz (WOR radio)
- June 19, 1947: NBC Radio Broadcast Transcription
- July 5, 1951: Voice of America "Jazz" Series
- February 2, 1952: Louis Armstrong and the All-Stars
- October 4, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 12, 1952: Radio Broadcast (AFN?)
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- February 26, 1955: Horace Heidt Show (NBC)
We Called It Music
We Have All The Time In The World
We Shall Overcome
We'll Be Together Again
We're A Home
We're Glad We're Not Young Anymore
Weary Blues
- April 22, 1927: Johnny Dodd's Black Bottom Stompers
- May 11, 1927: Louis Armstrong and His Hot Seven
- January 23, 1957: Louis Armstrong
Weather Bird
Weather Bird Rag
West End Blues
- June 28, 1928: Louis Armstrong and His Hot Five
- April 5, 1939: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- September 5 - October 8, 1946: New Orleans
- January 10-16, 1954: CBS Radio Broadcast
- December 19, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
What A Wonderful World
- August 16, 1967: Louis Armstrong's Orchestra And Chorus
- May 26, 1970: Louis Armstrong And His Friends
What Is This Thing Called Swing?
- January 18, 1939: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- October 6, 1939: ASCAP Award Concert, Carnegie Hall
What Kind O' Man Is That?
What a Difference a Day Made
What a Wonderful World
- October 11, 1967: The Tonight Show
- December 30, 1967: The Jackie Gleason Show (episode 2.16)
- July 2, 1968: BBC-TV Program
- June 7, 1970: Dial M for Music - Louis Armstrong
- July 4 - 9, 1970: Anatomy of a Performance
- August 25, 1970: David Frost Show
- October 29, 1970: The Boy From New Orleans -- A Tribute to Louis Armstrong
What the World Needs Now
What's New
What's The Good Word, Mr. Bluebird
What-cha-call-'em Blues
Whatcha Say
Whatta Ya Gonna Do
When Did You Leave Heaven?
When I Grow Too Old To Dream
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 4, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
When I Grow Too Old to Dream
When It's Sleepy Time Down South
- April 20, 1931: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- Early 1937: Norge Appliances Radio Show
- April 16 1937: Fleischmann's Yeast Program
- October 6, 1939: ASCAP Award Concert, Carnegie Hall
- December 18, 1939: Radio Broadcast
- November 16, 1941: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- November 17, 1941: WBBM Broadcast
- November 27, 1941: WBBM Broadcast
- April 1, 1942: MBS Broadcast
- April 4, 1942: MBS Broadcast
- April 20, 1942: Soundies
- April 22, 1942: MBS Broadcast
- December 25, 1942: Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #83 (Blue Network)
- Early 1943: AFRS "Downbeat" Programs #16 and #30
- August 17, 1943: Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #284 (Blue Network) / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #128
- December 8, 1943: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #380 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #225
- June 7, 1944: ABC Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #537 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #382
- February 11, 1945: The 2nd Annual American Swing Festival - A Tribute to Fats Waller
- February 13 - 20, 1945: AFRS One Night Stand #540
- August, 1945: AFRS Magic Carpet program #101
- October 31, 1945: MBS Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands #915 / AFRS Spotlight Bands program #762
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with His Orchestra
- November 30, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 11, 1948: ABC Broadcast
- March, 1949: AFRS "Jubilee" Programs #337, #339, #344, #347
- June 11, 1949: Eddie Condon Floor Show (NBC)
- October 18, 1949: Louis Armstrong and The All-Stars
- December 22, 1949 - January 4, 1950: U.S. Treasury Department, Guest Star #163
- January 30, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November 28, 1951: Louis Armstrong With Gordon Jenkins' Orchestra
- December 7, 1951: Louis Armstrong and the All-Stars
- October 4, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 12, 1952: Radio Broadcast (AFN?)
- October 25, 1952: RAI Radio Broadcast
- April 19, 1953: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- December 31, 1953: Radio Broadcast
- January 10-16, 1954: CBS Radio Broadcast
- August 13, 1954: Hear America Swing (NBC)
- August 19, 1954: WNEW Broadcast
- August 20, 1954: NBC Broadcast
- August 27, 1954: NBC Broadcast
- September 2, 1954: NBC Broadcast
- October 6, 1954: US Treasury Department "Guest Star" program #403
- December 31, 1954: CBS Radio Broadcast
- January 21, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 7, 1955: NBC Broadcast
- May 14, 1955: NBC Broadcast
- July 2, 1955: America's Greatest Bands (CBS)
- October 2, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 13, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 20, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March 26, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 24, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 6, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 27, 1957: Ed Sullivan Show (episode 10.19)
- April 30, 1958: Timex All-Star Show #2
- May 8, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 3, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 16, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1959: RTB Telecast
- September 20, 1959: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 13.1)
- September 29, 1959: The Bing Crosby Oldsmobile Show
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 3, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 1, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- November, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 30, 1961: Louis Armstrong and the All Stars
- July 2, 1961: The Ed Sullivan Show (Episode 15.14)
- September, 1961: WRCV Broadcast
- January, 1962: Winter Carnival at Sun Valley (ABC)
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 15, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 18, 1962: Il Signore Delle 21
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
- May 15, 1962: The Satchmo Story - Vol. 1
- May 15, 1962: The Satchmo Story - Vol. 2
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- December 23, 1962: The Ed Sullivan Show (Episode 16.13)
- January 1, 1963: All Star Parade of Bands (NBC)
- March, 1963: Australian TV Broadcast
- June 23, 1962: The Ed Sullivan Show (CBS - Episode 16.13)
- January 13, 1964: Mike Douglas Show
- February 2, 1965: The Bell Telephone Hour: The American Song (NBC)
- March 1, 1965: Hello Satchmo
- March 22, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- June 4, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
- July, 1965: Shindig (ABC)
- July 26, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- July 27, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- February 20, 1968: The Bell Telephone Hour: Jazz, The Intimate Art
- July 2, 1968: BBC-TV Program
- June 7, 1970: Dial M for Music - Louis Armstrong
- July 3, 1970:
- July 4 - 9, 1970: Anatomy of a Performance
- July 10, 1970: Trumpet Player's Tribute
- October 29, 1970: The Boy From New Orleans -- A Tribute to Louis Armstrong
- January 29, 1971:
- February 22, 1971: Dick Cavett Show (ABC)
When Ruben Swings The Cuban
When The Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob, Bobbin' Along
When The Saints Go Marchin' In
- April 26, 1947: This Is Jazz (WOR radio)
- November 15, 1947: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 13, 1949: Harlem Jubilee / The Willie Bryant Show
- February 20, 1955: Colgate Comedy Hour (NBC - episode 5.18)
- May 7, 1955: NBC Broadcast
- June 27, 1955: Producers' Showcase - Wide Wide World (NBC)
- September 20, 1959: The Ed Sullivan Show (episode 13.1)
- January 13, 1964: Mike Douglas Show
- April 11, 1965: The Hollywood Palace (Episode #2.30 and #3.2)
- July, 1965: Shindig (ABC)
- April, 1966: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 26, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- July 27, 1967: French Television Broadcast
- February 20, 1968: The Bell Telephone Hour: Jazz, The Intimate Art
When The Saints Go Marchin' In / Finale.
When The Saints Go Marching In
- May 13, 1938: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- October 2, 1955: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 1, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October 3, 1958: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- May 29, 1970: Mike Douglas Show
When The Saints Go Marching In
When You Do What You Do
When You Leave Me Alone To Pine
When You Wish Upon A Star
When You and I Were Young, Maggie
When You're Smiling
- September 11, 1929: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- October 13, 1950: Kay Kyser's Kollege of Musical Knowledge
- December 12, 1956: Louis Armstrong
- December 8, 1959: Louis Armstrong
When You're Smiling (The Whole World Smiles With You)
When You're Smiling (vocal)
When Your Lover Has Gone
- April 29, 1931: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- August 14 - 16, 1957: Louis Armstrong with Russell Garcia and Orchestra
When Your Man Is Going To Put You Down, (You Never Can Tell)
When it's Sleepy Time Down South
- July 4, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September 7, 1957: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
When the Saints Go Marchin' In
- October 23, 1953: Life Begins at Eighty (Dumont)
- September 5, 1954: You Are There: The Emergence of Jazz (November 20, 1917)
- December 30, 1957: Timex All-Star Show #1
- October, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- July 1, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- September, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- October, 1960: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- June 30, 1961: Louis Armstrong and the All Stars
- July 2, 1961: The Ed Sullivan Show (Episode 15.14)
- September, 1961: WRCV Broadcast
- April 2, 1962: Goodyear Jazz Concert
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 14, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 15, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 1, 1963: All Star Parade of Bands (NBC)
- March, 1963: Australian TV Broadcast
- June 23, 1962: The Ed Sullivan Show (CBS - Episode 16.13)
- July 2, 1968: BBC-TV Program
- July 10, 1970: Finale
- July, 1970: Sun City Scandals (NBC)
- October 22, 1970: The Flip Wilson Show (NBC)
- October 29, 1970: The Boy From New Orleans -- A Tribute to Louis Armstrong
When the Saints Go Marching In
- March 26, 1956: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 16, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 21 - 22, 1959: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1959: RTB Telecast
- March 1, 1965: Hello Satchmo
- March 22, 1965: Louis Armstrong and His All Stars
Where Did You Stay Last Night?
- June 22 - 29, 1923: King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band
- January 26, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
Where The Blues Were Born In New Orleans
Where The Blues Were Born in New Orleans
- November 21, 1948: Toast of the Town (The Ed Sullivan Show - CBS)
- November 23, 1948: Eddie Condon Floor Show
Where the Blues Were Born in New Orleans
Whiffenpoof Song, The
- April 13, 1954: Louis Armstrong With The All Stars
- September 19, 1954: Colgate Comedy Hour (episode 5.1)
- May 7, 1955: NBC Broadcast
- October 22, 1970: The Flip Wilson Show (NBC)
- June 2-12, 1948: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- March, 1949: AFRS "Jubilee" Programs #337, #339, #344, #347
Whistle While You Work
White Christmas
Who Needs What Moonlight
Who Walks In When I Walk Out?
Why Couldn't It Be Poor Little Me?
Why Did Mrs. Murphy Leave Town
Why Doubt My Love
Wiffenpoof Song, The
Wild Man Blues
- April 22, 1927: Johnny Dodd's Black Bottom Stompers
- May 7, 1927: Louis Armstrong and His Hot Seven
- January 24, 1957: Louis Armstrong
Wild Man Moore
Will You, Won't You Be My Baby
Willie The Weeper
- October 9, 1967: Louis Armstrong With Dick Jacobs' Orchestra
- January 11, 1968: The Hollywood Palace (Episode #5.22)
- January 25, 1968: The Tonight Show
Willow Weep For Me
Winter Wonderland
Without a Song
Wolverine Blues
- March 14, 1940: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- May 24-25, 1960, Webster Hall, New York City: Louis Armstrong and the Dukes of Dixieland
Wolverine Blues (alternate)
Wolverton Mountain
Working Man Blues
Workingman Blues
World is Waiting for a Sunrise, The
World's Jazz Crazy (and So Am I), The
Would You Like To Take A Walk?
Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams
Yellow Dog Blues
- July 14, 1954, Chicago:
- April 12, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 15, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- April 24, 1962: Europe One Concert Broadcast
- August 1, 1962: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
- January 15, 1964: Mike Douglas Show
Yes Suh!
Yes! I'm In The Barrel
Yes! Yes! My! My! (She's Mine)
You Are My Lucky Star
You Are Woman, I Am Man
You Can Depend On Me
- November 5, 1931: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- January 30, 1951: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
You Can Have Her
You Can't Get Stuff In Your Cuff
You Can't Lose A Broken Heart
You Can't Shush Katie (the Gabbiest Girl In Town)
You Dirty Mistreater
You Don't Know What Love Is
You Don't Learn That In School
You Go To My Head
You Made Me Love You
You Rascal You (I'll Be Glad When You're Dead)
You Rascal, You (I'll Be Glad When You're Dead)
- April 28, 1931: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- Early 1932: I'll Be Glad When You're Dead, You Rascal You
- October 28, 1933: Louis Armstrong and His Hot Harlem Band
- November 16, 1941: Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with Edmond Hall And His Cafe Society Uptown Orchestra
- April 26, 1947: This Is Jazz (WOR radio)
- December 22, 1949 - January 4, 1950: U.S. Treasury Department, Guest Star #163
- August 23, 1950: Louis Armstrong With Louis Jordan And His Tympany Five
- January 28, 1957: Louis Armstrong
- May 15, 1962: The Satchmo Story - Vol. 1
- July 29, 1970: Dick Cavett Show (ABC)
You Run Your Mouth, I'll Run My Business
You Swing Baby (the Duke)
You Turned The Tables On Me
You Turned The Tables On Me (mono Master)
You Turned The Tables On Me (takes 1-4)
You Won't Be Satisfied
- January 18, 1946: Ella Fitzgerald And Louis Armstrong With Bob Haggart's Orchestra
- February 8, 1947: Louis Armstrong with His Orchestra
You'll Never Know
You'll Never Walk Alone
- July 25, 1967: Louis Armstrong and the All Stars
- October 9, 1967: Louis Armstrong With Dick Jacobs' Orchestra
- October 11, 1967: The Tonight Show
You'll Wish You'd Never Been Born
You're A Heavenly Thing
You're A Lucky Guy
You're A Real Sweetheart
You're Blase
You're Drivin' Me Crazy
You're Just A No Account
You're Just In Love
- February 6, 1951: Louis Armstrong With Gordon Jenkins' Orchestra
- Date Unknown: Louis Armstrong
- February, 1951: Bing Crosby "Chesterfield" Show
- October 4, 1952: Louis Armstrong and The All Stars
You're Just in Love
- July, 1953: NBC Radio Broadcasts
- October 6, 1954: US Treasury Department "Guest Star" program #403
- May 7, 1955: NBC Broadcast
You're Lucky To Me
You're Next
You're The Apple Of My Eye
You're The Top
You've Been A Good Ole Wagon
You've Got Me Voodoo'd
You've Got The Right Key But The Wrong Keyhole
You've Got To Beat Me To Keep Me
You've Got To Go Home On Time
Your Cheating Heart
Yours And Mine
Zat You, Santa Claus?
Zoot Suit
Zulu's Ball