County Energy Profiles
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL) city and county energy profiles is a set of modeled estimates of electricity and natural gas consumption and expenditures, on-road vehicle fuel consumption, vehicle miles traveled, and associated emissions for residential, commercial, and industrial uses in US counties.
Solar and wind energy potential aggregated from the NREL 2021 limited access solar supply curves and wind supply curves.
County boundaries are the 2023 TIGER 1:500,000 cartographic boundary file.
- ST: USPS state abbreviation
- FIPS: County FIPS code
- Name: County name
- Latitude: Centroid coordinates
- Longitude: Centroid coordinates
- Population: Total population from the US Census Bureau's 2012-2016 5-yr American Community Survey
- Employment: Total employment from the US Census Bureau's 2016 County Business Patterns
- Climate_Zone: DOE Building America Climate Zones numbered 1 to 8 (warmest to coldest) with A, B, and C regions (east to west) (
- Elec_MWh: Total megawatt-hours of electricity consumed
- Elec_1k_Dollars: Total cost of electricity in thousands of dollars
- Gas_Mcf: Total millions of cubic feet of natural gas consumed
- Gas_1k_Dollars: Total cost of natural gas in thousands of dollars
- Gasoline_Gallons: : On road transportation gasoline consumption (gallons)
- Diesel_Gallons: On road transportation diesel consumption (gallons)
- Transport_VMT: On road transportation vehicle miles traveled (miles)
- Total_mtons_CO2: Total CO2 emissions across all sectors in millions of tons
- Solar_Potential_MWh: Annual solar energy potential (MWh)
- Wind_Potential_MWh: Annual wind energy potential (MWh)
- Residential_Elec_MWh: Residential electricity consumption (MWh)
- Residential_Elec_1k_Dollars: Residential electricity expenditures ('000 $)
- Residential_Elec_Customers: Residential electricity utility customers
- Residential_Gas_Mcf: Residential natural gas consumption (Mcf)
- Residential_Gas_1k_Dollars: Residential natural gas expenditures ('000 $)
- Residential_Gas_Customers: Residential natural gas utility customers
- Residential_Housing_Units: Residential occuped housing units
- Commercial_Elec_MWh: Local calibration commercial electricity consumption (MWh)
- Commercial_Elec_1k_Dollars: Local calibration commercial electricity expenditures ('000 $)
- Commercial_Elec_Customers: Commercial electricity utility customers
- Commercial_Gas_Mcf: Local calibration commercial natural gas consumption (Mcf)
- Commercial_Gas_1k_Dollars: Local calibration commercial natural gas expenditures ('000 $)
- Commercial_Gas_Customers: commercial natural gas utility customers
- Industry_Elec_MWh: Industry Electricity consumption (MWh)
- Industry_Elec_1k_Dollars: Industry Electricity expenditures ('000 $)
- Industry_Gas_Mcf: Industry Natural Gas consumption (Mcf)
- Industry_Gas_1k_Dollars: Industry Natural Gas expenditures ('000 $)
- Industry_Establishments: Industry establishments
- Residential_Elec_CO2_mtons: Residential Electricity GHG emissions mtons CO2e
- Residential_Gas_CO2_mtons: Residential Natural Gas GHG emissions mtons CO2e
- Commercial_Elec_CO2_mtons: Commercial Electricity GHG emissions mtons CO2e
- Commercial_Gas_CO2_mtons: Commercial Natural Gas GHG emissions mtons CO2e
- Industry_Elec_CO2_mtons: Industry Electricity GHG emissions mtons CO2e
- Industry_Gas_CO2_mtons: Industry Natural Gas GHG emissions mtons CO2e
- Gasoline_CO2_mtons: On-road Transportation Gasoline GHG emissions mtons CO2e
- Diesel_CO2_mtons: On-road Transportation Diesel GHG emissions mtons CO2e