Southern Railyard

In Trump's original 1987 proposal for the site, the southern part of the railyard was to become Television City, a production facility which would also include a new headquarters for NBC. My understanding is that when the studio component was removed from the project that became Riverside South, the fate of the southern part of the railyard was left undefined. However, something big, expensive and temporal will likely get built here at some point.

Just to the south of the railyard is the power plant for the IRT subway system.

Immediately to the southast of the railyard is the former Sheffield Dairy which had a direct rail connection to the yard. The dairy was later converted to studios for CBS-TV.

When I last visited in the Fall of 2007, 59th Street on the southern edge of the old railyard was still home to some rugged old survivors from the past. Also, one of the few desolate streets in Manhattan where tour buses can park while waiting for their contents to leave their cash on the island. Not sure what the ultimate plan for this area is.

Area being cleared for construction of 120 Riverside Boulevard
09/02/2001 07:38:28
Old railyard being cleared for construction
09/02/2001 07:44:30
Parking lot that used to sit on the southern railyard
10/19/2007 11:43:43
Southern railyard
10/19/2007 11:43:48
Southern railyard
11/17/2006 15:20:47
Tunnel construction for 80 Riverside Boulevard
02/14/2008 13:42:59
Tunnel construction
02/14/2008 13:43:06
Tunnel construction
09/02/2001 07:51:32
IRT power plant
10/19/2007 11:47:25
IRT power plant
10/19/2007 11:48:04
IRT power plant
10/19/2007 12:03:13
IRT power plant smokestack
09/01/2008 13:39:52
Window detail
09/01/2008 13:39:57
Decorative trim
09/02/2001 07:54:20
CBS Studios - old Sheffield Dairy
09/01/2008 13:36:51
Railroad tracks emerging from under 33 West End Avenue
09/01/2008 13:38:11
33 WEA towering over the parking lot
09/01/2008 13:39:03
33 WEA towering over the parking lot
09/01/2008 13:38:46
MTP Parking - 627 West 59th Street
10/19/2007 11:53:10
MTP Parking
10/19/2007 11:53:28
MTP Parking
10/19/2007 11:53:57
Central Parking Systems - 641 West 59th Street
09/01/2008 13:40:34
641 West 59th Street
09/01/2008 13:41:01
641 West 59th Street
10/19/2007 11:54:30
641 West 59th Street
10/19/2007 11:55:03
641 West 59th Street
10/19/2007 11:55:15
641 West 59th Street
09/01/2008 13:39:24
80 Riverside Boulevard
09/01/2008 13:42:06
Riverside South towering over the mail trailer parking lot