Lake Avenue
The Lake Avenue station sat between Lake Street and Simonson Street. It is not slated for reactivation.
Mariner's Harbor north of the ROW up to the bay is an area of well-maintained older single family homes and some new contextually-sensitive infill development, which is surprising given the remoteness of the area and proximity to industry. If I'd had a chance to come out here on a sunny day, the photos might have had a more Rockwellian character.

Lake St. Station

Lake St. Station

Lake St. Station

ROW headed east from Lake Avenue

Inactive power lines along the ROW at Lake Avenue.

West ends of Lake Avenue Station platforms

Single track running through Lake Avenue Station

Simonson Avenue bridge over ROW

Single track headed west from Simonson Avenue

Overgrown ROW headed west from Simonson Avenue

Townhouses on Lake Avenue.

Lake Avenue headed north toward the coast

New townhouses

Mixed age development

2672 Richmond Terrace

Townhouses on Wright Avenue

42 Simonson Avenue

43 Simonson Avenue

Van Name at Heusden Street

Van Name Avenue bridge over ROW

Heusden Street running parallel on south edge of ROW