Sunset Park, Brooklyn
The BMT Sea Beach Line (N train) and the LIRR Bay Ridge Line continue to run parallel to each other in a wide, shallow trench through Sunset Park.
The Sea Beach Line (N train) station at Eighth Avenue would presumably be also used by the Circumferential Line.
I was surprised to find that Brooklyn has it's own Chinatown here in Sunset Park with lots of restaurants and retail along with light manufacturing and distribution facilities.

8th Avenue BMT Subway Station

8th Avenue BMT Subway Station

Subway tracks proceed east from 8th Avenue - BMT subway crossed Bay Ridge Line at 8th Ave. and now to the south

Freight tracks proceed east from 8th Avenue

Storage garage on 60th

Retail on 60th as we get closer to the 8th Avenue subway station

Hong Kong Supermarket - 8th Ave.

8th Avenue Chinatown

Kitchen on 8

Roast duck noodle soup - mmmm

859 60th Street rising out of context amidst old row houses

859 60th Street

859 60th Street

Service road down to tracks off 61st Street

Service road down to tracks off 61st Street

Comet Laundry - 941 61st Street - just north of tracks

Comet Laundry - 941 61st Street

Comet Laundry - 941 61st Street