New Utrecht Avenue Station, Borough Park, Brooklyn

The LIRR Bay Ridge Line (freight) and BMT Sea Beach Line (N train) separate in Borough Park with the Sea Beach Line headed east and south to Coney Island and the LIRR Bay Ridge Line curving to the northeast in a much narrower trench.

The elevated BMT West End Line (D and M trains) also crosses at the point where the Sea Beach Line splits as both make their way south to Coney Island. The West End Line was originally built as the Brooklyn, Bath and Coney Island Railroad (opening in 1864) and the Bay Ridge Line had a station here in the late 19th Century.

The character and demographics of the neighborhoods surrounding the tracks changes considerably from those to the west, with more Orthodox Jews and expensive housing stock.

07/10/2008 16:01:52
West End El (D Train)
07/10/2008 16:02:15
D train 62nd Street Station
07/10/2008 16:03:34
New Utrecht Avenue Station
07/10/2008 16:03:49
Under the El on New Utrecht Avenue
07/10/2008 16:04:30
Freight line taking a turn to the northeast after New Utrecht Avenue
07/10/2008 16:04:56
New Utrecht Avenue bridge over the freight line
07/10/2008 16:06:23
Old concrete and Iron fence on 61st Street
07/10/2008 16:07:11
61st Street and the rail line turn northeast
07/10/2008 16:08:06
15th Avenue bridge over the rail line
07/10/2008 16:08:51
Rail line continues to turn after 15th Avenue
07/10/2008 16:11:46
60th Street bridge over the rail line
07/10/2008 16:12:36
Maple Lanes - 1570 60th Street
07/10/2008 16:13:02
Rail line curving northeast after 60th street
07/10/2008 16:14:16
59th Street / 16th Avenue bridge over rail line
07/10/2008 16:14:39
Rail line northeast of 16th Avenue
07/10/2008 16:15:49
More diverse and upscale housing stock on 60th street
07/10/2008 16:16:06
Station house 800-gallon fuel oil tank
07/10/2008 16:16:50
Track running northeast from 16th Avenue
07/10/2008 16:18:28
16th Avenue at 58th Street
07/10/2008 16:18:14
58th Street dead-ends into track right-of-way
07/10/2008 16:18:39
Hasidic fella walking home
07/10/2008 16:19:01
Tomer Devorah D'Skwere High School for Girls - 5801 16th Ave.
07/10/2008 16:19:14
Jewish businesses on 16th Avenue
07/10/2008 16:20:36
P.S. 180
07/10/2008 16:21:28
Classic rowhouse being replaced with a not-quite-right row McMansion
07/10/2008 16:21:33
16th Avenue at 56th Street
07/10/2008 16:21:52
Street sign for Daytime Shurim (lessons on the Torah)
07/10/2008 16:23:11
McMansion on 56th Street
07/10/2008 16:24:43
56th street turns to avoid rail tracks
07/10/2008 16:26:42
17th Avenue just past the 56th Street bridge over the tracks
07/10/2008 16:27:31
Tracks proceed northeast from under 17th avenue
07/10/2008 16:28:04
Tree-lined 55th Street just east of 17th Avenue
07/10/2008 16:28:29
Older cottage beside newer almost-McMansion
07/10/2008 16:28:40
Tree-lined 55th Street just east of 17th Avenue
07/10/2008 16:29:33
Girl running down 55th Street
07/10/2008 16:29:46
McMansions on 55th Street
07/10/2008 16:30:22
McMansion on 55th Street
07/10/2008 16:31:22
Humble 1927 synagogue on 55th Street
07/10/2008 16:31:47
Pidgeon looking for love
07/10/2008 16:32:09
Orthodox family walking down 18th Avenue past Gravesend Park
07/10/2008 16:32:32
Gravesend Park
07/10/2008 16:33:04
Gravesend Park

Next: 18th Avenue Station