Bushwick, Brooklyn

The area surrounding the tracks returns to its industrial quality once the tracks emerge from the East New York Tunnel around Evergreen Avenue and Piling Street.

A short segment of Central Avenue passes under the BMT and Bay Ridge Line tracks before heading behind closed gates into Trinity Cemetery.

07/16/2008 18:27:09
Piling Street
07/16/2008 18:27:19
Piling Street
07/16/2008 18:27:39
Piling Street building detail
07/16/2008 18:28:07
Tracks emerging from the tunnel
07/16/2008 18:28:53
Some kind of game on Evergreen Avenue
07/16/2008 18:30:02
Chauncey Street
07/16/2008 18:30:13
Dry standpipe on Chauncey Street
07/16/2008 18:30:24
Chauncey Street
07/16/2008 18:30:35
Tracks running behind warehouses on Chauncey Street
07/16/2008 18:32:37
Art Deco religious building on Central Avenue at Chauncey (former parsonage?)
07/16/2008 18:32:46
Central Avenue bridge viewed from the west (BIN 7702691)
07/16/2008 18:36:12
Central Avenue bridge
07/16/2008 18:33:16
Old wooden conduit on west side of bridge
07/16/2008 18:33:48
BIN 7702692 (IRT bridge)
07/16/2008 18:34:06
Steel access door into abutment
07/16/2008 18:34:15
Gate into Trinity Cemetery
07/16/2008 18:34:30
Canarsie BMT (L train) headed north
07/16/2008 18:34:49
Old cobblestones on Central Avenue
07/16/2008 18:35:05
Old building and greenhouse on east side of tracks

Next: Wilson Avenue Station