/ New York City
/ Mobility
/ The Circumferential Subway Line
Bushwick, Brooklyn
The area surrounding the tracks returns to its industrial quality
once the tracks emerge from the East New York Tunnel around
Evergreen Avenue and Piling Street.
A short segment of Central Avenue passes under the BMT and Bay Ridge Line
tracks before heading behind closed gates into Trinity Cemetery.
07/16/2008 18:27:09 Piling Street
07/16/2008 18:27:19 Piling Street
07/16/2008 18:27:39 Piling Street building detail
07/16/2008 18:28:07 Tracks emerging from the tunnel
07/16/2008 18:28:53 Some kind of game on Evergreen Avenue
07/16/2008 18:30:02 Chauncey Street
07/16/2008 18:30:13 Dry standpipe on Chauncey Street
07/16/2008 18:30:24 Chauncey Street
07/16/2008 18:30:35 Tracks running behind warehouses on Chauncey Street
07/16/2008 18:32:37 Art Deco religious building on Central Avenue at Chauncey (former parsonage?)
07/16/2008 18:32:46 Central Avenue bridge viewed from the west (BIN 7702691)
07/16/2008 18:36:12 Central Avenue bridge
07/16/2008 18:33:16 Old wooden conduit on west side of bridge
07/16/2008 18:33:48 BIN 7702692 (IRT bridge)
07/16/2008 18:34:06 Steel access door into abutment
07/16/2008 18:34:15 Gate into Trinity Cemetery
07/16/2008 18:34:30 Canarsie BMT (L train) headed north
07/16/2008 18:34:49 Old cobblestones on Central Avenue
07/16/2008 18:35:05 Old building and greenhouse on east side of tracks
Next: Wilson Avenue Station