CityPass / Jerusalem Light Rail Transit
Jerusalem was the first city in Israel to build a light rail system. CityPass was apparently plagued by significant political and construction delays and at the time of our visit was only running test trains. Work on the line began in 2002 and it opened for revenue service in December of 2011.

Test train in Mahane Yehuda station


Hamedrash Zohorei Chama - Sundial

Etz-Hayim Grand Yeshivah and Soup Kitchen




Looking northwest down Jaffa Street

Mahane Yehuda Market

Mahane Yehuda station

Bet Ya'aqov St.

Mahane Yehuda station

Residence of the British Consul

Residence of the British Consul

Davidka Square Station

Davidka Square Station

Davidka Square Station

Platform lights in Davidka Square Station

Sign in Davidka Square Station

Ki'ach Street

Looking northwest down Jaffa Street from Davidka Square

Signal light

Looking northwest down Jaffa Street

Historic marker - The Mustashfa / Cafe Ritz

Luxury apartments

Alcove in demoltion

Alcove in demolition

Test train in King George station

King George Station


King George St.

Looking southwest down Jaffa from King George

King George Station

Tracks headed down Jaffa from Shlomtsiyon Ha'Malka split

Tracks headed down Jaffa Street

Operation Pitchfork

Blow up the C.I.D. HQ

Mandarin Chinese Restaurant

Jerusalem Police HQ - 32 Yafo

Test train

Seats covered

Floor covered

Train headed westbound

Line headed northwest

Curve at Daniel Garden

Uzi Hasson

Safra Square Station

Safra Square Station

Safra Square Station

Old bus shelter

Safra Square Station

Safra Square Station

Armenian Building

Armenian Building

Curve to Hatzenhanim St.

Curve down Shlomo Ha'Melech

Line headed northwest up Jaffa

Curve up Jaffa

Line headed northeast up Hatzenhanim

Curve up Jaffa

Tracks in grassy ROW

Line headed northeast


New Gate

Line headed down Hatzenhanim St.

Curve up Heil Ha'Handasa

Line headed north up Heil Ha'Handasa

Parking lot

Damascus Gate Station

Damascus Gate

Light rail line - Hatzenhanim St.

Light rail line

Light rail line - Heil Ha'Handasa

Light rail line

Shivtei Israel Station

Shivtei Israel Station

Shivtei Israel Station