Gowanus Canal: Hamilton Avenue Bridge

This southernmost crossing of the canal is another two-for-one bridge, with the Gowanus Expressway on the upper viaduct and the Hamilton Avenue bascule drawbridge directly below it. The drawbridge contains two separate parallel spans (one for eastbound, one for westbound - NYC BIN #2240231/2). This has been a very popular crossing point since the canal was a creek and a number of different bridges have been built here since the mid 19th century, including bascule bridges in 1905 and 1942. It was renovated around 2005, although I'm not sure how much of the 1905/1942 bridge (if any) was incorporated into the renovation.

12/18/2008 15:14:08
Hamilton Avenue drawbridge
12/18/2008 15:14:15
Concrete plant north of the bridge
12/18/2008 15:14:30
Sign on NW anchorage - Leaving the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn Community Board 6
12/18/2008 15:14:53
Looking north on the canal from Hamilton Avenue
12/18/2008 15:17:49
Under the Gowanus Expressway viaduct looking west toward the Hamilton Avenue Bridge
12/18/2008 15:18:03
Detail of Gowanus Expressway viaduct
12/18/2008 15:19:31
Deck of Hamilton Avenue drawbridge viewed from the southeast
12/18/2008 15:20:01
Eastbound (southern) lane deck of the Hamilton Avenue drawbridge
12/18/2008 15:22:20
Westbound (northern) lane deck
12/18/2008 15:21:18
Hamilton Avenue bridge operator house
12/18/2008 15:22:50
Barge access bridge - northwest of Hamilton Ave drawbridge
12/18/2008 15:24:44
Northern lanes of Hamilton Avenue drawbridge
12/18/2008 15:20:51
Looking south on the Gowanus Canal from the Hamilton Avenue drawbridge toward the bay

Next: Gowanus Canal: DOT Hamilton Plant