US Hospitals

This is a point data set of locations of hospitals for 50 US states, Washington D.C., US territories of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, and Virgin Islands. The dataset only includes hospital facilities based on data acquired from various state departments or federal sources which has been referenced in the SOURCE field.

The original source data was available in a variety of formats (pdfs, tables, webpages, etc.) which was cleaned and geocoded and then converted into a spatial database. The database does not contain nursing homes or health centers. Hospitals have been categorized into children, chronic disease, critical access, general acute care, long term care, military, psychiatric, rehabilitation, special, and women based on the range of the available values from the various sources after removing similarities.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 2020. Hospitals. Accessed 10 August 2020.
