bp Statistical Review of World Energy
bp. 2021. "Statistical Review of World Energy." Accessed 28 March 2021. https://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/energy-economics/statistical-review-of-world-energy.html.
This is a polygon dataset representing 2019 energy data from the 2020 bp Statistical Review of World Energy.
All values are expressed in exajoules (EJ) for comparability.
There are four types of numbers depending on the resource:
- Reserves for fossil fuels represent the estimated heat value for quantities of a fuel resource in the ground within a country's borders "...which geological and engineering data demonstrate with reasonable certainty to be recoverable in future years...under current economic and operating conditions" (bp 2019).
- Production for fossil fuels represents the estimated heat value of the fuel produced each year.
- Generation for non-fossil fuel generated electricity represents the heat equivalent in fossil fuel that would be needed to generate that same amount of electricity each year. Generation and consumption heat values for non-fossil fuels do not align because the conversion factor for electricity to heat value (calorific) equivalents adjusts for fossil-fuel generating plant losses (around 59.6%) so the numbers are comparable to fossil-fuels.
- Consumption is the estimated heat value of a resource consumed within the borders of the country each year. Primary consumption is total energy consumed within a country in a year measured from primary fossil fuel or renewable energy sources.
Country boundaries are from the wrld_simpl data set from the R maptools library. The data was originally sourced from Bjoern Sandvik's Mapping Hacks website, and a version is available from NASA at https://github.com/nasa/World-Wind-Java/tree/master/WorldWind/testData/shapefiles.
Population data is from the World Bank (https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL?view=chart), and is provided to facilitate easy per capita normalization within GIS software.
- Primary Consumption EJ
- Oil Reserves EJ
- Oil Production EJ
- Oil Consumption EJ
- Gas Reserves EJ
- Gas Production EJ
- Gas Consumption EJ
- Coal Reserves EJ
- Coal Production EJ
- Coal Consumption EJ
- Nuclear Generation EJ
- Nuclear Consumption EJ
- Hydro Generation EJ
- Hydro Consumption EJ
- Solar Generation EJ
- Solar Consumption EJ
- Wind Generation EJ
- Wind Consumption EJ
- Population MM (2019 population in millions)
- Latitude (WGS 84 centroid)
- Longitude (WGS 84 centroid)
- Name: Country name
- ISO3: ISO three-digit country code