US Nuclear Reactors

Wikipedia contributors. 2018. "List of nuclear reactors," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Accessed May 15, 2018.

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 2018. "List of power reactor units." Accessed May 15, 2018.


Common name for the site

Reactor unit number. Sites often have multiple reactor units that open and/or shut down at different times.


WGS 84 centroid latitude

WGS 84 centroid longitude

Wikipedia Location
Description of plant location given in Wikipedia

Reactor Type

  1. PWR = Pressurized water reactor
  2. BWR = Boiling water reactor
  3. PHWR = Pressurized heavy-water reactor
  4. GCR = Gas-cooled reactor; rare in the USA

Gross MWe
Rated gross megawatts of electricity (the maximum amount of electricity the plant can generate)

Commercial Start
Start of commercial energy generation. January 1 dates used when only a year is available.

Commercial End
Termination of commercial energy generation. January 1 dates used when only a year is available.

NRC Region
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has divided the US territory into four regions.

NRC Location
Description of plant location given by the NRC

NRC Docket Number
Docket number used by the NRC for cases involving specific plants

NRC License Number
License number used by the NRC

NRC Owner-Operator
Owner and/or operator listed by the NRC