Huey P. Long Bridge: 2013 Visit
New Orleans, LA
On April 6, 2013 I had a chance to take the Amtrak Sunset Limited over the bridge en route to Los Angeles.

Beginning climb to Huey Long Bridge




Westbound traffic lanes

Westbound traffic lanes

Elmwood Walmart

Westbound traffic lanes

Road workers

The Mississippi River

North bank

Auto lane

Mississippi River

Looking west down the Mississippi River toward New Orleans

Looking east

Truss span superstructure

South bank, east of bridge

South bank, east of bridge

Avondale Shipyard

Southwest approach

Fire training facility

Looking back at the bridge from the southwest approach

Fire training facility

Bridge City

Looking back at the bridge from the southwest approach

Bridge City

Looking back at the bridge from the southwest approach

Avondale Shipyard

Water treatment plant

Highway 18

Looking back at the bridge from the southwest

Curving to the west

Entering rail yard