The California Zephyr: Grand Junction, CO

03/27/2016 15:47:10
Grand Junction, CO
39.0643, -108.5701
03/27/2016 15:50:32
Harry Truman Visit, 21 September 1948
03/27/2016 15:50:40
Washington DC Union Station Centennial Poster
03/27/2016 15:50:48
Harry Truman Visit
03/27/2016 15:50:54
Waiting Room
03/27/2016 15:51:16
Ticket Window
03/27/2016 15:51:42
Current Depot
03/27/2016 15:47:20
Grand Union Depot
03/27/2016 15:47:34
Grand Union Depot
03/27/2016 15:47:58
Grand Union Depot
03/27/2016 15:48:08
Grand Union Depot
03/27/2016 15:48:22
Grand Union Depot
03/27/2016 15:52:00
Grand Union Depot
03/27/2016 15:52:24
Grand Union Depot
03/27/2016 15:52:30
Grand Union Depot
03/27/2016 15:52:42
Grand Union Depot
03/27/2016 15:53:04
Grand Union Depot
03/27/2016 15:53:42
Grand Union Depot
03/27/2016 15:54:14
Grand Union Depot
03/27/2016 15:55:46
New Baggage Car 61048
03/27/2016 15:56:08
New Baggage Car Truck
03/27/2016 15:56:14
New Baggage Car Truck
03/27/2016 15:57:24
Locomotive 125 (P42DC)
03/27/2016 15:57:36
Passenger + Freight
03/27/2016 15:58:38
Tempting fate
03/27/2016 16:01:38
Old School Conductor
03/27/2016 16:42:20
Ruby Canyon?
39.1089, -109.0856
03/27/2016 16:42:24
Ruby Canyon?
03/27/2016 16:46:46
Colorado River
03/27/2016 16:47:58
Colorado River
03/27/2016 16:48:00
Colorado River
03/27/2016 16:49:36

Next: The California Zephyr: Utah