485 - 491 Ninth Avenue / 401 West 37th Street
These tenements were odd survivors of the 20th century changes on the West Side. A bankruptcy and 2007 legal action may have had some part in the story. As part of the Hudson Yards rezoning, they were protected from demolition and a sidewalk shed observed in 2013 gave hope for remdial work as the building began shedding bricks. However, the long-term strategy of the landlord appeared to be demolition through neglect, which was accelerated by removal of the rear walls in 2015.

485 - 491 Ninth Avenue / 401 West 37th Street

485 - 491 Ninth Avenue / 401 West 37th Street

485 - 491 Ninth Avenue / 401 West 37th Street

485 - 491 Ninth Avenue / 401 West 37th Street

485 - 491 Ninth Avenue / 401 West 37th Street

485 - 491 Ninth Avenue / 401 West 37th Street

485 - 491 Ninth Avenue / 401 West 37th Street

485 - 491 Ninth Avenue / 401 West 37th Street

485 - 491 Ninth Avenue / 401 West 37th Street

485 Ninth Avenue

485 Ninth Avenue

485 Ninth Avenue

485 Ninth Avenue

485 Ninth Avenue

485 Ninth Avenue

West 37th Street

485 Ninth Avenue

Rail line at West 37th Street

Bus parking on West 37th Street


Vacant lot

Vacant lot

Vacant lot

Vacant lot

Vacant lot