Country Kelly

Despite the level of devastation experienced in the South Bronx during the era of disinvestment and arson, there are quite a few lovely, turreted row houses that survived in the blocks of Kelly Street south of Longwood - some in excellent condition. In contrast to the curved 900 block called "Banana Kelly", the more pastoral 700 block was called "Country Kelly."

06/19/2009 16:34:30
156th Street at Kelly St
06/19/2009 16:35:06
939-941 156th Street
06/19/2009 16:36:49
700 block of Kelly St
06/19/2009 16:37:13
700 block of Kelly St
06/19/2009 17:26:26
Beck Street south of Longwood
06/19/2009 17:26:37
Beck Street
06/19/2009 17:27:04
Alley behind apartment building on Beck Street
06/19/2009 17:29:59
Dawson Street

Next: Tiffany and Beck Streets