The Uses of Sidewalks
Jacobs stays in the neighborhood in chapter two, The Uses of Sidewalks: Safety, to describe the popularity of center-street seating in the Broadway Mall that extends up the entire UWS, but notes how such seating is ignored in barren areas of Broadway that are effectively walled off by Columbia University. (Jacobs 1961, 47). Later in the chapter, she derides similar barriers in the proposed fences in Park West Village as examples of devices for "Turf" demarcation that are used for coping with insecurity but actually contribute to the social breakdowns that create the insecurity in the first place. (Jacobs 1961, 63)

Broadway Mall bench

Broadway Mall bench

Broadway Mall bench

Columbia University wall on Broadway

Park West

Park West

Morningside Gardens west perimeter wall

Vegetation barrier between Morningside Gardens and General Grant Houses