Freda Obenland (1846-1922)
Freda Obenland is listed in the database as being buried in section 136, lot 28070, grave 379. Given the comparatively recent burial, I was hoping that her stone might still be intact but I was not so fortunate. While there were only a few stones weathered to illegibility, there were also a number of stones that were sinking deep into the soft dirt and thick grass. It is possible that if she had an in-ground stone, it had sunk beneath the surface over the years.

Freda Obenland kiosk map display

Public Lot 28070

Weathered headstone, Lot 28070

Public Lot 28070

Public Lot 28070

Public Lot 28070

Eliza Overment (lot 28070) - close but no cigar

Public Lot 28070

Weathered headstone (lot 28307)

Weathered headstone + Sarah Elliott (lot 28307)

Lot 28070