Northeast Governors Island
Returning to the older, northern part of the island at, appropriately enough, Division Road, the architecture becomes considerably more satisfying.

Transition to older, northern part of the island

Bulkhead on southeast edge of the island

Division Rd.

Building 315

Building 315

Swimming Pool - Clayton at Cartigan Roads

Wading pool

Swimming Pool

YMCA (Bldg. 324)

Building 333 dehumidifier

Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Chapel

Catholic Chapel

Catholic Chapel

Rear of the Chapel

Parade Ground - trapeze

Parade Ground

Parade Ground

Kite flying on the Parade Ground

Parade Ground

Parade Ground

Comfort Road memorial sign

Liggett Hall

Liggett Hall / Clayton Rd.

Liggett Hall interior

Colonel's Row historic sign

Colonel's Row

Colonel's Row

Old cannon on Evans Road

Oyster historic sign

NY Harbor ecology sign

Building 12

Building 12

Beach area on east side

Outrigger canoers in the harbor

NYC Police boat

Red Hook cranes

Kimmel Road

Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges viewed from Governors Island

Kimmel Road

Pump building

Officers Housing on Berry Rd.

Officers Housing

Garages behind officer housing

Officers Housing

'We Be' - Max Pelzman

'We Be'

Contemporary service building by Pier 102

Kimmel Road memorial sign

Service building on Kimmel Road

Brooklyn ferry dock

Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel ventilation tower

Pershing Hall historic sign

Pershing Hall

Building interior (Andes Rd.)

Building interior

COMLANTAREA Quarters (COMmander, atLANTic AREA)





Building 25

New York Arsenal historic sign