The M9 rail cars were built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries and entered service on the LIRR
on 11 September 2019. During my commute from Kew Gardens to Farmingdale, I had an opportunity
to ride one of the new cars that were slowly being deployed on a limited basis.
09/20/2019 07:44:22 M909/20/2019 07:45:00 Closed arm rest that won't snag your clothing09/20/2019 07:46:20 Handicapped area09/20/2019 07:46:56 Car x of y09/20/2019 07:47:12 Vestibule09/20/2019 07:48:22 M909/20/2019 07:49:31 M909/23/2019 10:20:14 M9