West End Stables
210-216 West 76th Street (at the SE corner of Broadway)
This garage was listed by the city as being built in 1914 and, therefore, probably was always a garage. However, despite being listed by the city as being built in 1925, 210 West 76th Street is listed in the 1907 City Directory as the home of the West End Stables. 210 had more ornamentation than the fairly bland 216, which gives some indication that it heralded from an earlier and more elegant period. However, both met the same fate in 2009 when they were demolished to make way for yet another luxury dormitory for rich people.

216 West 76th

216 West 76th

West End Stables (210 West 76th)

West End Stables

West End Stables

West End Stables

210-216 West 76th after demolition

The Laureate

The Laureate