2182 Broadway
This building wrapped around a corner building, giving it entrances on both Broadway and 77th Street. City building records list it as being constructed in 1926 and it is not listed as a stable or garage address in the 1907 or 1926 City Directories. Given its architecture and its frontage on Broadway (away from the rabble on Amsterdam), it was likely unassociated with the other automotive businesses further to the east.
2182 Broadway was replaced with yet another dorm for the bourgeoisie, although at least it wasn't just another generic curtain-wall glass tower.

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

78th Street

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

2182 Broadway

78th Street

78th Street in simpler times