Michael Minn - 16 April 2015
> model Call: randomForest(formula = NDVI ~ ., data = database[, rfields], na.action = na.omit) Type of random forest: regression Number of trees: 500 No. of variables tried at each split: 4 Mean of squared residuals: 0.2130862 % Var explained: 78.88 > summary(model) Length Class Mode call 4 -none- call type 1 -none- character predicted 301211 -none- numeric mse 500 -none- numeric rsq 500 -none- numeric oob.times 301211 -none- numeric importance 12 -none- numeric importanceSD 0 -none- NULL localImportance 0 -none- NULL proximity 0 -none- NULL ntree 1 -none- numeric mtry 1 -none- numeric forest 11 -none- list coefs 0 -none- NULL y 301211 -none- numeric test 0 -none- NULL inbag 0 -none- NULL terms 3 terms call na.action 152170 omit numeric > importance(model) IncNodePurity SQMLAND 22156.939 SQMWATER 8838.317 MEDIANAGE 24688.405 MEDHHINC 26790.211 MEANHHSIZE 23293.283 PCOWNEROCC 13776.804 PCTURNOVER 13744.089 PCBORNUSA 13494.287 PCUNEMPLOYED 9865.677 SQMLAWN 31388.236 MEDCONSTYR 54570.323 PMINPET 12390.099
NDVI: Median tract residential area NDVI
2000 Decennial census, 2009-2013 American Community Survey
SQMLAND: Tract area in square meters
SQMWATER: Tract area covered in water in square meters
MEDIANAGE: Median age
MEDHHINC: Median household income
MEANHHSIZE: Mean number of members in each household
PCOWNEROCC: Percent housing units owner-occupied
PCTURNOVER: Percent residents in same house one year ago
PCBORNUSA: Percent of residents born in the USA
PCUNEMPLOYED: Percent 16 years of age or older unemployed (mean?)
Data from 2013 Maricopa County Assessor's Office ST 42030 File
SQMLAWN: Total square meters of PLA (lot_size - (home_size / floors) - pool_size)
MEDCONSTYR: Median construction year
PMINPET: Precipitation - potential evapotranspiration