Ella Valley


Along Route 38 we stopped in the Ella Valley, a location reputed to be where the shepherd David battled the Philistine Goliath (1 Samuel 17). There is no marker in the dry stream bed, but it's the only creek in the valley. A road from Bethlehem would have extended here from Bethlehem through the mountains of Judah. The southern ridge extends to the west - perhaps the Tel Sokoh mentioned in the scriptures. Are the current Palestinians the descendants (spiritual or literal) of the biblical Philistines? Probably doesn't much resemble the way the land looked in the 10th century BC, but who knows?

05/30/2011 10:32:36
Ella Valley
05/30/2011 10:34:04
Ella Valley
05/30/2011 10:35:02
05/30/2011 10:35:36
05/30/2011 10:37:36
05/30/2011 10:37:52
Dry creek bed
05/30/2011 10:40:42
Ella Valley
05/30/2011 10:06:16
70's Bus Stop
05/30/2011 10:07:14
Security wall
05/30/2011 10:08:20
Security wall
05/30/2011 10:09:32
Security wall
05/30/2011 10:10:02
Security wall
05/30/2011 10:10:26
05/30/2011 10:10:40
Terraced hillside
05/30/2011 10:11:36
People on donkeys near city wall
05/30/2011 10:11:44
Security wall
05/30/2011 10:12:02
Security wall
05/30/2011 10:12:28
Arab village
05/30/2011 10:13:42
05/30/2011 10:14:46
Arab village
05/30/2011 10:15:34
Guard tower
05/30/2011 10:18:34
Chicken house
05/30/2011 10:26:36
Dying trees
05/30/2011 10:29:04
Satellite station

Next: Emmaus Nicopolis