The following data is used in the tutorials on this site.
World Data
2023 World Bank Indicators
Selected demographic, economic, and public health indicators sourced from the World Bank
2023 World Energy Indicators
Energy-related indicators from the US Energy Information Administration and the World Bank.
- Metadata
- GeoJSON file
- CSV file (wide format = most recent year)
- CSV file (long format = all available years)
Statistical Review of World Energy
This is a polygon dataset representing country-level energy consumption, production, and reserves from the Energy Institute Statistical Review of World Energy, formerly the bp Statistical Review of World Energy.
2024 Review (data for 2023)
2020 Review (data for 2019)
2019 World Agriculture Indicators
Agriculture indicators from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
2023 World Indices
A collection of economic, political, and health indices from a variety of sources.
2012 World Religion
Country-level data on religious prevalence and religious tolerance from the Pew Research Center.
2020 Cartograms
Continuous and noncontinuous cartograms for US states and world countries scaled based on population.
- US states continuous GeoJSON
- US states noncontinuous GeoJSON
- World countries continuous GeoJSON
- World countries noncontinuous GeoJSON
- Metadata
2023 Graticule
Graticule as 20° polygons with 10° vertex separation, -180° to +180° longitude and -80° to +80° latitude.
Natural Earth Polygons
Natural Earth large scale (1:10m Cultural Vectors) polygons for world countries (Admin 0 - Details, map subunits). These include 209 sovereign states as 360 subunits that separate overseas territories (like French Guiana) and constituent countries (like the four countries of the United Kingdom). Antarctica has been removed to facilitate cleaner mapping in Mercator or equirectantular projections.
The files have minimal attribute columns to facilitate clean joins with tabular data: NAME, FORMAL_EN, and ISO_A3.
US American Community Survey Demographic Data
Selected demographic, housing, and economic data from the American Community Survey 5-year estimates.
County Data
- Metadata
- CSV file (2019-2023)
- GeoJSON file (2019-2023)
- GeoJSON file (2015-2019)
- GeoJSON file (2014-2018)
- GeoJSON file (2013-2017)
Census Tract Data
- Metadata
- CSV file (2019-2023)
- GeoJSON file (2019-2023)
- GeoJSON file (2015-2019)
ZIP Code (ZCTA) Data
- Metadata
- CSV file (2019-2023)
- GeoJSON file (2019-2023)
- GeoJSON file (2013-2017)
Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) Data
- Metadata
- CSV file (2015-2019)
- GeoJSON file (2015-2019)
- GeoJSON file (2014-2018)
- GeoJSON file (2013-2017)
US Electoral Data
Electoral results and analysis from the 2012, 2016, 2020 US presidential elections, along with a handful of demographic variables relevant to electoral analysis.
2012 / 2016 / 2020 State-Level Data
2012 / 2016 / 2020 County-Level Data
2022 US House District Level Data
US Energy Data
Climate Change Risk 2040-2060
Modeled county-level climate risk from the Rhodium Group under the RCP 8.5 scenario between 2040 and 2060 on a scale of 0 to 10 for heat, wet-bulb humidity, crop yeilds, sea-level rise, wildfire, and economic damage
2024 US Power Plants
Operable electric generating plants in the United States by energy source from the Energy Information Administration. This includes all plants that are operating, on standby, or short- or long-term out of service with a combined nameplate capacity of 1 MW or more.
2019 US County Energy Profiles
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory's city and county energy profiles is a set of modeled estimates of electricity and natural gas consumption and expenditures, on-road vehicle fuel consumption, vehicle miles traveled, and associated emissions for residential, commercial, and industrial uses in US counties.
2019 US State Energy Profiles
State-level energy production and consumption data from the US Energy Information Administration.
2024 US Refineries
This is a point dataset representing all operable petroleum refineries located in the US from the Energy Information Administration.
2018 US Present, Past, and Planned Nuclear Plants
A list of active, former, and planned nuclear power reactors from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Wikipedia as of 15 May 2018.
2011 US Interstate Highway Traffic
Estimated mean annual average daily traffic for 2011 from the FHWA
Health Data
2023 PLACES Health Data
The CDC's PLACES project uses small area estimation methods to obtain 36 modeled chronic disease measures for counties, tracts, places, and ZCTAs in the United States.
- Metadata
- County GeoJSON (age-adjusted rates)
- County GeoJSON (crude rates)
- Census tract GeoJSON (crude rates)
- Census designated places GeoJSON (age-adjusted rates)
- Census designated places GeoJSON (crude rates)
- Zip code tabulation areas (ZCTA) GeoJSON (crude rates)
National Vital Statistics System
The National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) is a CDC program that provides data on births and deaths in the United States.
2021 Mortality
County level counts and rates for the 15 leading causes of death
2022 Natality
County level counts and rates for births and maternal health.
2020 US Hospitals
Open Data Portals
World Data
- (tutorial): The World Bank
- eurostat: The European Union
- FAOSTAT (tutorial): Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
- Global Health Observatory: World Health Organization of the UN
- World Religion: The Association of Religion Data Archives
- Global Acceptance Index: UCLA School of Law survey-based index on a scale of zero to ten indicating acceptance of LGBT people (country-level Excel)
- LGBT World Equality Index: Indices for legal rights and public opinion on LGBTQ+ people (country-level CSV)
US Social Data
- (demographic tables): US Census Bureau
- TIGER cartographic boundary files (tutorial): US Census Bureau
- TIGER/Line Shapefiles: US Census Bureau
- Food environment atlas: County-level statistics on food availability from the USDA Economic Research Service (multi-page Excel with FIPS codes)
- US Religion County Maps: The Association of Religion Data Archives
- US Religion Census (2020): Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies
- Languages spoken and limited English proficiency: Civil Rights Division, US Department of Justice (County-level CSV)
- US Department of Labor Open Data Portal
- US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- BRFSS data portal: (raw data): CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
- WONDER (mortality and natality): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
US Infrastructure Data
- US Energy Atlas: The US Energy Information Administration (EIA)
- SLOPE (State and Local Planning for Energy): National Renewable Energy Laboragory
- Wind / solar supply curves: National Renewable Energy Laboragy
- National Transportation Atlas Database: ArcGIS Hub portal of transportation infrastructure from the US Department of Transportation
- Railroad safety data: Data portal for railroad safety data from the Federal Railroad Administration (county-level CSV)
- National Inventory of Dams: US Army Corps of Engineers
- US National Park Service open data portal
- EarthExplorer: US Geological Survey
- Toxics Release Inventory: US Environmental Protection Agency (tutorial)
- EnviroAtlas: US Environmental Protection Agency
- Cleanups in My Community (brownfields): US Environmental Protection Agency
US Environmental Data
- USGS National Map Downloader: Boundaries, DEMs, hydrography, transportation (rasters, shapefiles, GeoPackages, and file geodatabases)
- Air Quality Index: Monitor-based data from the US EPA (county-level CSV)
- The National Risk Index: Current risk levels for a variety of environmental conditions from the NOAA National Center for Environmental Information (county and tract level shapefile, GDB, and CSV)
- Storm Prediction Center (tornadoes, hail, wind): US National Weather Service
- US National Hurricane Center Data Archive
- Earthquake Catalog: US Geological Survey
- US Drought Monitor: National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Disaster cost and frequency: NOAA National Center for Environmental Information
- Billion-dollar weather and climate events (table data): NOAA National Center for Environmental Information