International District / Chinatown

Seattle, WA

47.598363, -122.327528

04/11/2011 22:01:34
Chinatown Gate
04/16/2011 10:41:24
Chinatown sign
04/12/2011 00:04:06
Hong Kong
04/11/2011 22:44:06
Beef stew noodle soup
04/16/2011 13:01:20
Historic waterfront photo
04/16/2011 13:01:52
One neighborhood
04/16/2011 13:26:40
04/16/2011 13:26:58
04/16/2011 13:33:44
Bing Kung Association
04/16/2011 13:36:02
04/16/2011 13:36:16
04/16/2011 13:39:08
Tsue Chong Co. fortune cookies
04/16/2011 13:42:30
Tsue Chong Co.
04/16/2011 13:42:56
Fortune cookies
04/16/2011 13:43:54

47.597705, -122.322748
04/16/2011 13:44:06
Tsue Chong Company, 800 South Weller Street
04/16/2011 13:45:30
04/16/2011 13:45:50
Eng Suey Sun Plaza
04/16/2011 13:48:42
04/16/2011 13:49:48
Girls marching
04/16/2011 13:50:00
Girls marching
04/16/2011 13:54:20
Girls marching (video)
04/16/2011 13:55:32
Canton Alley
47.597701, -122.323112
04/16/2011 13:56:36
Chong Wa Benevolent Association
04/16/2011 13:56:42
Gee How Oak Tin Family Association
04/16/2011 13:58:30
Chong Wa Benevolent Association
04/16/2011 14:03:20

47.597973, -122.323757
04/16/2011 14:03:32
Chinese Chamber of Commerce
04/16/2011 14:05:26
04/16/2011 14:05:34
Mon Hei Bakery
47.598356, -122.324168
04/16/2011 14:05:46
Mon Hei Bakery
04/16/2011 14:07:10
Mon Hei Bakery
04/16/2011 14:11:28
Hing Hay Park
47.598585, -122.325694
04/16/2011 14:16:02
Building detail
04/16/2011 14:19:38
International Parking
04/16/2011 14:19:42
Chinatown gate
04/16/2011 14:32:36
Higo Variety Store, 602 South Jackson Street
04/16/2011 14:33:00
South Jackson Street
47.599207, -122.326720
04/16/2011 14:33:06
NP Hotel, Sixth Avenue South
04/16/2011 14:33:24
04/16/2011 14:35:22
Dim Sum King
04/16/2011 14:35:52
Bush Hotel
04/16/2011 14:38:16
New Century Tea Gallery
04/16/2011 14:43:38
04/16/2011 15:23:40
04/16/2011 18:24:32
Beef and Chinese broccoli

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